Researched and Collected by Mrs Phaedra Behrent.
Poet, Researcher, Editor.

Friday 12 September 2014

How the Brits rule the Roost, and
Will Scotland Declare Independence on
18th September (2014)?


Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian
The short answer to the above question is a definite whopping No! And let me explain why I prophesy that Scotland will NOT become independent in a few days’ time, and never in our own lifetime. The British Establishment will never let such nonsense happen. The whole thing is a camp game costing £13.3 million English pounds, but money well-spent because it will eliminate once and for all completely all ardour for Scottish independence simmering for centuries in Scottish hotheads. It seems that even the date of the referendum was decided and insisted upon by the English Prime Minister, David Cameron according to the well-informed Daily Mail (13 September 2014, p. 51) the PM called the SNP (Scottish Nationalist Party) leader Alex Salmond’s "bluff and insisted on the autumn 2014 date."

Who’s the Joker in the pack? While noises were made that if the No wins, there will be another referendum in another generation, the Prime Minister was shown on the BBC flagship program Newsnight (15 September, 11 pm) standing behind a podium with a slogan in a sickly sexual innuendo (nowadays everything must be sexed-up!) "Let’s stick together" youre either in, out, behind, in front ... he declared solemnly in complete denial of earlier statements that it may be a temporary decision lasting a generation "We must be very clear. Theres no going back for this. No re-run! This is a once and for all decision. If Scotland votes Yes, the UK will split, and we will go our separate ways for-ever". The only thing the Joker in the pack forgets is that NOTHING is for-ever, not even the Universe...

If Mr. Cameron is the grand Joker, who is the worse back-stabber in this ridiculous game? Answer; Alex Salmond himself, the fall guy of the comedy act, as instigator of the gambling wheel turning...

What kind of a plan for Independence (and there is no "plan B", neither by the British government, nor the SNP) as they all know nobody is going anywhere planned ... Mr. Salmond loves the Queen like everyone else across Britain, but unlike everyone else, Mr. Salmond sleeps in her vast apartments at Balmoral Castle sitting in 50,000 acres of Scottish prime land owned personally by Her Majesty ("[Salmond] claims to be a Monarchist. And last month, the Salmonds had a weekend with the Queen at Balmoral"), he is obviously definitely not a Republican and wants to serve Her Majesty’s interests by hook or crook, won’t get rid of the Pound either because it carries her majestic head what kind of a joke is he cracking? No rocket science this the time old joke of hypocrisy, lies, deception, manipulation of public opinion and popular rabble-rousing emotions of which the British have become the grandmasters.

They already pulled one up last year, yet with another referendum on PR (Proportional Representation) a hot issue for the LibDems, now long forgotten and buried in the realm of dreams and Walt Disney fantasy ... it was a rehearsal for the forthcoming Scottish Independence referendum, equally bound for burial in Walt Disney land for the next at least two centuries... but according to the Joker of the Pack "for-ever".

Every now and then a British government of the day pulls a hat trick, gets hold of a time old hot issue, ballooned by hot air, and entirely out of the blue (without any rhyme or reason) declares a ... referendum, to puncture the balloon, and flatten revolutionary ardour, while other countries seriously fight civil-wars and smash each others’ heads!

While the tyrants of other lands poison their mistresses and cause civil wars we owe the Thousand and One Nights literary masterpiece to this nasty habit of a Persian/Arabic/Turkish Sultan (the work is multi-cultural!), who would cut off the head of his harem-wife of the night, but a clever one, Scheherazade escapes her fate by telling the filthy Sultan dirty stories in Britain, Queen Victorias son, called Bertie by friends, the Prince (of Wales) would buy his mistresses (the most famous being a commoner Lilly Langtree) property, jewellery, endow them with social status as he had trained his German princess-wife to accept their existence. Bertie was a civilized Englishman, and not a Genghis Khan brute. How the world needs to catch up with civilized Britain! And the Scots will want to separate? No way. The Brits will do anything not to let them.

When I first arrived in Britain in the Seventies, one of the first jokes I heard was that the Brits rule their country like a colony ... I was not aware of the Scots and the Welsh and the dreaded IRA. One knew history, Shakespeare, the horrendous English Civil Wars as vicious as today’s Islamic terrorists cutting off heads just like their English masters four hundred years ago, sticking the cut heads onto spikes and exhibiting them at city gates and London bridges...

Damian Aspinall, an upper crust oaf who runs gambling dens and private zoos as profitable businesses (but registered as charities), recently experienced mysterious brutal violence in one of his African sanctuaries for Gorillas. In a press interview (Daily Mail, 6 September, 2014, p, 16) he promised that "lessons will be learned". He was actually using a very common British Civil Service stereotype.

The British governments, to their great credit, are always keen on learning from history. Frankly, they are the only nation in the world that has a highly evolved sense of national interest. To illustrate this point; my own Father called Israel Pilikian, at the age of 95 turned Confucius-wise, would say "if the British were convinced that Communism is good for them, their Queen would be the first to become a Communist!" And my father was a survivor of the genocide of the Armenians perpetrated in 1915 by the Young Turks, and then survived the two world wars, and the horrendous modern civil war in the Lebanon of unimaginable brutality. He was an anglophile, loved Shakespeare (reading him in Armenian) and died in London.

Those who do not learn lessons from history are bound to disappear into the dustbins of history. One would expect ancient peoples to be those great students alas not! Armenians and Semites (presently Arabs and Jews) are the great fools oblivious to collective national interest. Canaanites, Phoenicians, Amorites, all Semites, turned into dust in the bins of history.

Presently, America is the greatest international chauvinist fool even consciously refusing to learn from their atrocious criminal warmongering acts (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria ...) they childishly think that they make history, therefore they need not learn from it their Sky history TV channel propagates Pawn Stars (an infantile pun on Porn Stars) as serious history ...

However, I do not wish to imply that all is wise in Britain. There are countless spanners too in the works, sheer idiots who will keep you aghast at their antics. In seventies Britain, as a non-Brit, I could never grasp why some Irish people (in Northern Ireland) thought they were English and not Irish as in ... Ireland. I was here when the Welsh nationalists began burning the holiday homes of the British who had money enough to buy them. At a parliamentary meeting a few years ago, in the House of Commons, about the Kurds being arrested, imprisoned, burnt alive, genocidally killed in incorrigible Turkey for merely speaking ... Kurdish, a Welsh MP was having a chuckle when he reminisced that until 1950-something, he himself was not permitted to speak Welsh in this country ... not much different from the Kurds in Turkey!

As for Northern Ireland, well, it was officially a ... colony in Britain’s backyard, and it still is to the great joy of the non-IRA English-Irish.

It suddenly made sense that the Brits (read for it the English) rule their country like a colony, several actually, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

I could never find out who was the author of that pronouncement someone said it could have been Tony Benn, MP and ex Labour Minister of Energy. I always wanted to ask Tony Benn himself personally if it was the case ... alas, alack, he died too young, and his son is the worst Tory cat among the New Labour Blairite pigeons.

Foxlore Britains greatest Contribution to the history of Statecraft.

Back to the great Greeks Plato and Aristotle were the first two great philosophers concerned about constructing a civil society that could survive the barbarism of warmongering, and achieve peace and social harmony. Plato’s quick medicine was to prescribe the selection of a philosopher-King to be the Ruler. It was obviously a solution touched with some narcissism, Plato thinking of himself as that Ruler...

The contribution of the playwright Aeschylus is unfortunately still not given enough credit in political theory. It was Aeschylus that ‘invented’ the democratic process of civilized debate and negotiation. Until him, the Law of Revenge was the respectable option an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, still the abhorrent barbaric Semitic solution under which the Middle Eastern region is suffering endlessly even today, after 2000 years AD. Aeschylus was the first (by his Trilogy of Oresteia) 2,500 years ago to show how to break the vicious circle of man’s inhumanity to man through democratic means using the tools of debate and negotiation.

The British Establishment alone in the world has learnt this lesson from the classical Greeks. There are 3 tiers to the governance of Britain the Government of the day, who come and go, and are mostly a bunch of jokers, clowns, mentally ill fools and idiots one example; Mrs Thatcher’s first act of educational reform was to stop giving ... free milk to the school infants. What mentally healthy woman would do such a thing? Her second criminal act was to genocide Music-teaching out of the educational system, producing generations of illiterates. Music is proven today beyond any reasonable doubt that it shapes mental skills, humanizes the human animal, and must be regarded as an essential, not a luxury. Moreover, the mad Mrs. Thatcher had surrounded herself with underage paedophile rapists. She was sick in the head the sickest of them all.

The classically educated Civil Service forms the second tier of British governance, the most intelligent of the country who are there for life and constitute a permanent government-within-government, independent of the democratic vote.

The third of this holy Trinity is Her Majesty the Queen sitting on the top of the Pyramid. Do not believe a word of the lie that the Queen is nothing she is in fact Everything. Prime ministers have weekly audiences with her in total privacy. A most intelligent woman, I cannot understand how she can gracefully put up with British Prime Ministerial junk, week-in, week out ... Her Job’s patience must be infinite for that alone she deserves all majestic Honour.

With post-modernism and general lowering of standards everywhere in the Western world, with popular discourse drowned in unnecessary foul language, binge-drinking across the United Kingdom increasing the dosage of violence and drug-taking ... how does Britain’s civil service succeed in governing the country on more or less an even keel?

Answer by the great craftiness displayed by the ... Fox, now you see him, now you don’t ... I live in New Barnet, where red foxes at night prowl the streets for food. They cross the street, and suddenly disappear in a hedge, climb a bush just under the top of it waiting for the next opportunity ... what the SAS commandos of the British army do!

But there is more to the British Fox-lore than meets the eye that is the total controle of the democratic universal Franchise (voting) if need be, if the national interest demands it, they are not averse, just as in a South American Banana Republic, stuffing votes in the boxes. Incredible but true. I experienced this desperate fact myself, when Mrs. Thatcher’s last election was won by fraud I never received my voting papers. Nevertheless I turned up at the station; I was a known Labour voter, immediately instantly disenfranchised illegally even though I was registered on the Barnet Council Voting-Register. I protested, they very politely wished to have my complaint in writing, they said I was not alone in the unpleasant situation, printing problems had arisen, delaying voting papers etc. etc. I expressed my concern of suspecting Fraud. I contacted the local ‘democratic’ Tory press, they were not interested. In other words, the Fraud was nicely well-organized, and Mrs Thatcher won a third term, with a reduced majority just to make it more believable.

There are two ways in which the British Government functionaries subvert and control the democratic vote for parliamentary elections (better than murdering the voters in the rest of the barbaric world); there is no more privacy and/or voting secrecy left. Locally, as good neighbours, everybody knows everybody’s political colours. My locals for example know that I am a compulsive Labour voter, so none of the parties waste their valuable time on me to win me for their cause. Even Labour party activists won’t knock on my door for an electoral chat... they would rather get chatting to the Tory neighbour next door.

The second most deceptive and vicious manner the British have invented (to controle the parliamentary democratic vote) is the corrupt concept of a Safe Seat and the continuous perpetration of annual Boundary changes. The top civil servants, out of their pretty heads decide entirely according to pre-agreed, negotiated, and bargained for plans across the major political parties, divide up the country’s map into electoral units determining the number of MPs in line with the percentages of the population in those areas etc., all very hot air, subjective, manipulative, incidental, ad-hoc elements that can be played around by the civil servants. The Boundary Changes contingent on population numbers can then be crunched into safe seats, marginal seats etc.

The safe seats are almost guaranteed majorities impossible to dislodge by the voters. The political parties decide who can have them. The voters might as well not bother voting for them.

The civil servants thus guarantee the composition of the next-government before even the voters go to the polls to elect them.

Another tool of public controle and management is through the Press and the BBC, which is never neutral, unbiased, or left-wing. Its reputation as such is a deliberate civil service ploy to precisely controle the ... Left, deluding them by the offer of a safe haven.

As for the Big Capital operating from the City of London, the Banking capital of world Capitalism, the multi-nationals, Banks, and insurance companies, are all automatically in the pocket of the British capitalist Establishment. They all ganged up together to destroy the Yes-vote of the Scottish Independence with incredible stories of threatening to close down businesses, banking headquarters, moving capital (billions of pounds) out of Scotland they are all in bed together to skin the British (and Scottish/Welsh) nations alive, giving them ... food-banks, instead of real living wage benefits.

The third huge tool of the British Establishment Fox-lore in manipulating and subverting the democratic process is the overflowing use (abuse really!) of Statistics, and conducting a whole range of polls; exit-polls, entry polls, Yougov government polls, company polls, TV-polls ... the whole news media shebang!

Back in 1954, a glorious little book was published by Victor Gollanzc publishers Darrell Huffs How to Lie with Statistics, which I have no doubt is every British Civil Servant’s bible-reading. I had an intelligent woman-friend, very inventive, a devious, power-playing female, who used to work for a ‘big’ polling agency. She used to collect her data by sitting in a local cafe, and answering all the questions herself ... saving herself time and hassle and insult by unwilling punters. The latter may even deliberately give dishonest answers. Her commissioning Boss knew about it, but could not care less, as after all she herself could re-organize the material according to need, and it was money she did not wish to lose from her clients further up the stinking food chain.

This is the truth about the British opinion-polls, a monopoly money-game played with lies and deceptions, and the production of false-data, suited to whatever overall pre-determined message is needed. The clever ones always let one side win against the other, at different times letting the loser be a winner. And if the matter is very important, the final poll will always show the winner neck-and-neck with loser, gratifying the loser’s confidence of having been a difficult one to beat. Shall we not prophesy that the Scottish Referendum’s end will be of this nature NO to Independence neck-and-neck with Yes, the latter losing on the slightest of margins?

And what about the noble, poetic tender and heroic Welsh, of the beautiful haunting voices of the valleys formed of water-colour mountains?

Why not (and when?)  an independent Wales? 

The next big thing, the future big tool in the British Establishment’s democratic vote-manipulation will be of course postal, and electronic voting. The British government is desperate to put every citizen on the facility, because as President Bush of the USA pioneered its glorious abuse, its use is worth every penny of it. President Bush is the shining star of that tool, as history’s most illegal President un-voted for!


A note by the Editor : Another insightful piece of work! Professor Pilikian's truly wonderful writing style never ceases to amaze me. It really does stir up my emotions.

I totally agree with what is said here about the Queen. People think she does nothing, that she is just a symbol. No, she is wise and the PM (of the day) consults with her often. She has been doing her job for many years now, she has seen governments come and go, she has so much historical knowledge at her fingertips, any PM would be a fool not to listen to her.

Global Peace has to be the goal for everybody. We should stop trying to grab hold of territory for our own individual countries, stop this UKIP- 'racist' mentality of looking after 'our own people' first. We are a global community, we have a single planet on which we all depend. If we do not start acting together as ONE nation of human beings, soon, there will be no planet left to fight over and try to portion out to the strongest nations.

The vast array of weaponry available today is terrifying. Any day on this wonderful planet could be our last. The weapons we have now are much farther reaching than a bullet or a cannon, the knock on effect of a nuclear attack on any nation would lead to this planet being plunged into eternal darkness. We have enough to deal with environmentally due to our global raping of nature, without throwing in the stupidity of war.

We need to stop identifying ourselves as individual nations, we need to stop trying to split ourselves up into smaller factions.

We need to wake up to what we have done.

We need to pull down barriers not erect more of them.

We must unite as the single Nation of the planet Earth, and save our planet for ourselves, meaning literally for Everybody!

The following websites have published this article;

Nor Khosq

AAEurope website


This essay  by Professor H.I.Pilikian is commented on most excellently by one of the leading Diaspora-Armenian intellectuals Dr. Armen Baghdoyan, who lives in Boston, USA. It is a superb summary-evaluation of the Professor's conceptual framework.

And, multi-lingual, is one of he most exciting sites of Armenian Diaspora's journals, hailing from Toronto, Canada, under the overall Editorship of Dr. Dikran Aprahamian.
Another intellectual powerhouse, Linguistic Etymologist, Jirair Tutunjian, edits the English section.

One of Keghart's distinctive and very commendable features is its formal (therefore unadulterated) tally of readers of a specific essay.

Please note that already 6,032 people have read the Professor's article -- an impressive number for a small nation.

Phaedra Behrent, Poet, Researcher, Editor.


Beware of the Flying … Englishman

And the Gay City Bankers of London


Professor H.I. Pilikian
London UK, 23 February 2011

Something has changed towards the better in our world. Imagine if instead of President Obama, the lunatic George Bush (who spoke regularly with … God!) was still in power – he would have drowned Egypt in a bloodbath. Twice Bush defrauded the American voters, and thank god was finally stopped in his bloody tracks by Obama. What has changed in the world is the emergence of true People-power – President Obama, despite running the risk of going down in History as the greatest President of Broken-Promises (beginning in the first place with the one given to the Armenians) … but ironically precisely like President Chavez in Venezuela, Obama is happy to build from the bottom up to count upon people-power.  

The multi-religious-ethnic Egyptian people proved finally once and for all, for the first time in history, the following absolute fact perverted by criminal governments hitherto – Peoples-in-revolution are democratic, kind and compassionate, peaceful, articulate, of high socio-political consciousness, secular (NOT religious fanatics) – it is the State ran by political elites that are always the source of violence, crimes, inhumanity, and genocide!

Something is also definitely specifically a-foot in the Middle East – a huge mess created by the giant feet of the post-modern Anglo-American hyper-imperialists, defecating in oil-rich places like Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain, the miniscule equivalent of Cuba, where the US would not allow four decades ago (and rightly so!) a Soviet military Base, but today shamelessly displays its huge Fifth Fleet ass in Bahrain. 

Divide-and-Rule is an imperialist stratagem mentioned at the dawn of history, in the Histories of Herodotus (c. 490-25 BC, used by King Croesus of the Lydians). It became the lynch-pin of British and all imperialism since. Where the Brits became invincible was (and still is) to engineer such clever little trivial hot-air problems, about non-existent things, like problems of religion and ultra-nationalism, touching peoples’ deepest emotions, to let them cut each others’ throats endlessly, while they, the imperialists plunder their natural resources and wealth. 

Every political strife in the world today goes back to the British Empire – the Arab-Israeli conflict, Indian-Pakistani Kashmir problem – Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Arab countries and Israel, need not have existed without Brit imperialist midwifery, the Turkish-Armenian Question, the Kurdish-Turkish genocidal discord, the Tibet-Chinese feud, the problems in Africa, the Afghanistan problem – abused today as a training ground for the Anglo-US military to develop skills for fighting wars in the Mountains – Hitherto, European Napoleonic and other wars – the American Civil War – were fought on flat grounds. Euro-American armies have no knowledge of what to do in the mountains (where the Kurds are invincible) and the sand-dune rich deserts – they are just about understanding that the sand gets everywhere, in the crannies of their helicopters and soldiers’ pants and genitals … right this moment, I bet the best scientific minds of Anglo-America are scratching their heads to invent sand-proof panties and …copters.

It all started – the post-modern imperialist itchy-feet problem in the Middle East – with the genocide of the Armenians in 1915. The British imperialists were suddenly over-excited by the prospect of swallowing up the doddering old sickly Ottoman Empire on its last legs. The Empire was multi-ethnic, as the Mid East had always been throughout history. The British imperialists introduced a new stinky element in the alchemical boiling pot – pseudo-Darwinian EUGENICS, pure mono-ethnic racism; the notion of a pure race, which then would become the divide-and-rule cancer infecting the whole world, still operated by the ultra-Zionists to genocide the Palestinian Arabs under our noses, the modern Turks genociding the Kurds, the Tootsies the Hutus etc.   

The Brits love to discuss whether Hitler’s balls were one or two – there’s even a war-time song about it. But they themselves lacked enough balls to kick the Ottoman ass – so they engaged the French in a coalition marriage to join them. Two Bowler-hatted civil servants, one from each side, Mark Sykes and George Picot were given the super-blow job of dividing up with red and blue crayons the Ottoman Empire on a map between their masters on honeymoon. They grabbed hold of Enver in London, to be entertained by the arch imp Winston Churchill, who initiated Enver into Freemasonry, poured Eugenic poison and racist Turkish nationalism into his ears to “holocaust” (Churchill’s word) the Armenians. The well-connected British agent T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia) later confided in a shocked American journalist Lincoln Steffens (in 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference) that the Brits could not do a good job of eliminating the Armenians – he insidiously massaged the influential American to kindly persuade his American masters to do the better job, by declaring Armenia a Protectorate, to then replicate their perfect massacre of the Amerindians for example. Steffens was so traumatized by the sheer bloody cheek of Lawrence that he sat on his piece, and took twelve long years to recover from the shock to publish the piece (in Outlook & Independent, Oct 14, 1931) as he had written it up originally the previous decade – “the queerest I ever had in all my interviewing life”. I think Steffens’ pun on “queer” was deliberate, as Lawrence by then had been outed as gay.   

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin of Russia discovered the secret copy-maps of the Sykes-Picot Agreement in the tsarist archives, wiki-leaked it to the world – the first such act of openness in history from the pitch-dark world of secret diplomacy – swearing that his revolutionary new regime will never ever endorse imperialist wars of conquest and Genghis-khan plunder and massacre of millions. The arch masturbators of Secret Diplomacy, the Brit and French imps put brave faces on and planned the revenge of the Soviet Union through a … Second World War, which in spite of all their damned efforts produced a … Nazi-occupied France and a more powerful Russia than their cannon-balls could blow apart. In fact, having won the war by eliminating Nazism, the Soviet Union went on to annihilate global Colonialism from China to Africa via the Middle East

The Brit-trained Nationalist hero of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, who could command millions of Egyptians to listen to his hot-air rhetoric, built the Aswan Dam with Russian help mixed with the blood of the Egyptian Communists he massacred … then too the Middle East was in a stinking British mess. As the post-modern times were dawning in the fifties America (Flower power, Feminism, The Pill and free-sex, Rock n’Roll, Hippies against the Vietnam War) and Britain (Gay and Lesbian Liberation, and all the US new-age imports), the CIA and its gay promiscuous partners from all over the world (Israel to Indonesia via Iran’s Shah) were building sand castles with the blood of the genocided local communist parties – over 2 million alone killed by the CIA monkey General Suharto on the Indonesian islands.

My family had a locally famous pharmacy (Pharmacie Pilikian) in Bourj-Hammoud, a suburb of Beirut – My eldest sister Marie was the pharmacist, I think the first and only female graduate in the field from the American University of Beirut. My sister was famous for her compassion and saintliness – she would never be abrupt or brash or brush aside her patients. In divine patience, she would explain everything to the ignorant and illiterate poor in great detail, without patronizing them. One day, an Arab turns up with serious complaints about weeks-long constipation – the best brand of a laxative then was called “English Salts”, which of course my sister recommended. The poor patient says, “no way would I ever drink that! I rather die than put that English thing in me!” My sister was puzzled and needed to know why, to help further. The man answers with worrisome confidence – “wherever the English enter, they never come out!”

Nothing explains better the effect caused by British imperialism globally. In 1956, the Brit imps, in bed with no less than the French kissers and the Israeli butch Cassidys, tried re-entry through the Suez Canal … half-way through they had to withdraw impotently, in shame and disgrace. The myth is that President Eisenhower buggered them all to do so. 

The historical truth (never ever mentioned in any book of my knowledge) is that it was a telegram from Bulganin and Khrushchev (and I remember the words to this day) warning that if the British won’t withdraw in twenty-four hours, “the Soviet missiles will wipe Britain off the map!” 

The world was stunned and stopped breathing – it was the first to know that the Soviets had developed Intercontinental Ballistic missilesBritain, with its honeymoon partners in tow, immediately, and wisely withdrew, saving the imperialist thick skin and the world a nuclear holocaust.

But let the Americans have their Hollywood Big Foot fantasy. They insidiously – the British way – worked their way into Egypt by dilating and overstuffing with dollars President Mubarak’s secret passages and bank accounts – Now that the fattened up old tyrant is gone – the Egyptian masses chanted regularly for days calling him Himar = Donkey (in Armenian, “a foolish person”) which was never subtitled on international TV stations, suddenly, for the very first time you read in the Brit news media about the horrors of the Donkey Mubarak’s police state, disappearance, torture, murder, you name it, every conceivable evil taught at the CIA School of Americas (in Fort Benning, Georgia, USA) graduating South American murderers.

And where has the Donkey gone for safety? His palace at Sharm Al Sheikh, which is really an Israeli resort – I admire the Israelis for resisting the temptation to annex it as part of their dream of Greater Israel. Perhaps they can use the protection of the Donkey as an argument to do the job – meanwhile letting the Arabs everywhere know that the great royal arch Donkey is safe in their hands – But what of his half-Welsh wife (with English passport!) and family? The rumour is that they are safe in Britain

The American intervention in Egyptian affairs since the eviction of the British Suez canal disaster was subtle in the British-style, through bribery and filling pocket and bank accounts with real dollars. Suddenly, when they could not hide it anymore in the skirts of the Internet, it went brash, blatant and bolshy (this word I think initially meant ‘Bolshe-vik’). But the British – O for the wonderful clever dickies of Western imperialism – William Hague, the Foreign Secretary flew over Egypt … for a few days – whatever for, you may ask? For “fact-finding” of course (he could read the newspapers …), to inform himself of the obvious seriousness of the situation, to advise appropriately the ‘stupid’ Egyptians not to do anything we the Brits wouldn’t do, as if anyone would care for his lib-con views.

I wonder where did Mr. Hague stay in Tahrir (=Liberation) Square, who did he talk to for ‘kosher’ information? On his return, he cautiously and very cleverly went quiet. But today he very foolishly lied about Tony Blair’s mate, the famously … farting Colonel Gaddafi – he does it frequently it seems in his tent before and during dinner with his guests – being “en route to Venezuela, a theory suggested by Foreign Secretary William Hague” (Evening Standard, 27 February 2011, page 9) – I remember Willie the thatcherite young boy egged on by the old decrepit Boys of the Conservative Party led into Conference hot air suspirations, desperately trying a month ago to disprove press rumors that he was gay and having an affair with his male parliamentary secretary, now shooting an infantile dart at President Chavez, point-scoring bulls-eye for the CIA, foot-licking the fat American haters of the Venezuelan President – Mr. Hague it seems is already feathering his bed with the American Senators spoon-feeding Tony Blair. Obviously, Mr. Hague wants the same dummies to suck on.  

He knows very well that his Brit Gov already provides the aircraft and the bullets and the tear gas, worse, the training for their use by Gaddafi and Bahraini and Egyptian police cut-throats … On the opposite page of the same issue of the Standard (p. 8) Mr. Hague’s Lib-Con Prime Minister is headlined; “We were wrong to support dictators, admits Cameron … regimes that trampled on human rights”, but Business is … Business for a millionaire capitalist, Mr. Cameron has taken unflinchingly and warm-heartedly, into his very own bosom, for King and Country “eight weapons exporters among 36 business leaders with him to pursue contracts during [his] trip … this week of all weeks … bolstering arms sales to the Middle East”. Even the editorial of the Evening Standard cannot anymore digest the filth of being fed this fare and babbles; “Mr. Cameron is likely to face further difficult questions about Britain’s friendships and arms deals in the region.” [p. 14] Mr. Cameron is a past master of the double talk, the bifurcation of the heart-warming rhetoric from the murderous practice, speak humane like an angel – but act like a Nazi, of which Mr. Cameron’s paradigms Thatcher/Blair/Brown were mere beginners …      

And could it be that his Foreign Minister Mr. William Hague personally air-lifted the Mubarak family chattel, wife and children, into his very own British government airplane to bring them safely home to London?

In case you think this unlikely – think again. The British have a long tradition of secret hanky-panky air-diplomacy – Hitler’s Deputy Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland (in 1941) with a secret plan from Hitler to the Brit imps to share world-domination. The Duke of Kent then (the present Her Majesty the Queen’s uncle) flew on a secret mission from Scotland with a secret gang, until now unaccounted for – worse, the plane crashed killing all on board. Churchill, after the war dispatched a secret air-mission (headed by the … art-historian Blunt, later disgraced as a Soviet spy) to wipe clean Nazi documents of evidence of Britain’s Nazi King-elect Edward the 8th etc.

As inventors of Capitalism evolving from the Industrial Revolution built inhumanly on the exploitation of little children (the chimney sweeps, the factory machine cleaners, the underground donkey-miners) the British hyper-super imperialists would do anything for Money, as long as “the price is right”, and especially when it is “loads and loads of money”. They would sell their Queen for it – she is frequently forced to shake hands and eat dinners with murderous cut-throat tyrants from all over the world (as confessed by Prime Minister Cameron), mostly, when they can provide the British Banks with trillions of the blood-money they suck from their peoples, bringing over their countries’ national treasure-chests to the City of London –While the Russian masses starve, their Brit imperialist-connected oligarchs scuttle their stolen trillions robbed from the Russian people into the British tax-havens and the City of London, the global capital of the financial world, simultaneously, incidentally, skinning alive the British Football fans paying through the nose for their tea-shirts and the unhealthy greasy sausages they’re stuffed with during the half times … not to mention the overpriced watered-down beer!

The British Foreign Minister would personally humanely air-lift the Donkey’s family into the vaults of the Britain’s City Banks, as the price is more than right – the whole world now knows that they are loaded with the billions of the blood-money of the Egyptians murdered – the disappeared and the tortured … according to the press guesstimates – 40 billion pounds – eight times more clawed back than the five billion cuts (Standard, p. 6) the Lib-Con Gov announced on grabbing office six months ago!

In the present economic crisis in Britain, every penny counts. A British government would not expect any kickbacks of course – Honit soi qui mal y pense = cursed be those who think otherwise.  One of them, Mr. Tim Geithner, the present treasury secretary of the US could hardly contain his fury when he confirmed yesterday tongue-in-cheek the New Labor’s devious fiscal policies “designed consciously to pull financial activity from New York and Frankfurt and Paris to London”, “contributing to the financial crisis”! (The Standard, p.6) If there ever was a prime conspiracy-theorist, Mr. Geithner would be the living proof of it. 


A comment by Dr. Armen Baghdoyan

Appearing with the Professor's Essay
I know of no historian that has been able to condense important world history in one average-length article. Prof. Pilikian has achieved the impossible task of dotting a map with years of accumulated knowledge. Even though the dots seem to be dispersed because of the points pushing each other to descend down his pen, the broad brushes, the grand themes and minute details which he has used to handle his subject contain some of the most momentous facts that have governed the fate of the world since the advent of the British Empire. Because of so many interesting truths it covers, the article deserves rereads.  I for one am in total support of all the opinions expressed by Professor Pilikian.

The following websites have published this article;


Nor Khosq

A Papasian Production that
makes you proud of being
an Armenian


Exploring the Socio-Political Context of the First Ottoman Turkish Opera Composed by an Armenian



Written by


Professor H. I. Pilikian



London, 30th August, 2015






Editorial Note Hot from the press, Professor Pilikian’s this article is the most astounding yet, and that is saying something! Full of rich historical detail, spanning many centuries, integrating the ancient, the old and the new of our lives, the Professor is uniquely able to display historical continuities through the cement of the Armenian presence throughout millennia … in a language that is accessible, and free of academic jargon.



Gerald Papasian
Gerald Papasian hails from Paris, an Armenian man-of-the-theatre, who acts and directs with some panache Gariné, the opéra-comique by Dikran Tchoukhadjian (1837-98), at the Arcola Theatre, in Dalston, London. I was particularly glad to catch its last evening performance, on the 15th (August, 2015), as I had seen his smooth production of the same on the Internet (Highlights) with French actors

Tchoukhadjian undoubtedly was the creator of Opera in Turkey – the very first composer of opera-music, and Hor-Hor Ağa seems to have been his first opera, hence the first opera in Ottoman Turkish.


Dikran Tchoukhadjian (1837-98)
Few people have appreciated the historical fact that the Ottoman Empire was multi-ethnic, with a healthy lack, almost a complete absence of disgusting racist nationalism which resulted in the genocide of the Armenians in 1915 by the Young Turks, and plunged Turkey into the mire of cancerous ultra-nationalist barbarism, under which the poor Turkish people are suffering still, surrounded with endless-seeming civil wars in our own days, produced by infective nationalist-racism, deliberately fanned by Western (American-British) imperialism.

The First Ottoman Turkish Opera by an Armenian

Most of the Ottoman Sultans had multi-ethnic Christian parentage, married to European Christian wives and numberless concubines filling their harems.

Sultan Selim III (1761-1808), of a Georgian-Armenian mother, was a great patron of the Arts.  A poet and a composer himself, with highly civilized tastes, he introduced to his Court the Armenian musician Baba Hampartsoum Limondjian (1768-1839).  While in today’s Turkey acknowledging the Armenian parentage of the great Ottoman architect Sinan (1489-1588) is a punishable state-crime, Sultan Selim received Baba Hampartsoum in his court with great honours and commissioned him to develop a system of musical notation, with the avowed noble intention to record and save the classical Ottoman repertoire of music for posterity.  Limondjian could spend two years (1813-5) comfortably working on the project in competition with Abdulbaki Nasir Dede, who also created his own system.  And Sultan Selim did not cut off Limondjian’s head, instead, he selected Limondjian’s system of musical notation, which is still in use today in Turkey.

1870-ական թվականներին Լեյբլեբիջի օպերետը կատարող խումբը։ Photos by

{Baba Hampartsoum’s Armenian patron was Hovhanness ʕelebi Dűzian, no less than the Director of the Ottoman Imperial Mint…  A super little book just published – ISBN 978-9953-0-3224-5 – by the Londoner, Dr. Hratch Kouyoumjian, lists the names of the Ethnic Armenian Civil Servants in leadership positions running the Ottoman Empire as late as in 1909, with some fascinating givens; the chief… pharmacist of the Central Prison was one Efendi Khatchig Kivosian; The First Inspector of Alcoholic Drinks and… Hunting was Mihran Efendi Yerazian; The Supervisor of Turkish Language Exams Bureau was Vosgian Efendi etc. etc.}

In 1797, Sultan Selim had invited a European (perhaps French) opera company to give perhaps a single performance in his harem in Istanbul – the very first opera presentation in the Ottoman Empire.

Thus, the miracle of Tchoukhadjian was that he created opera out of literally nothing, and at its highest level.  The composer’s own Turkish title of the Opera was Leblebidji Hor-Hor Agha (1875), not Gariné, clearly labelled on the title-page of the score (and on posters, survived) as an opéra comique, which clearly defines already the essential features of the music-genre, later obliterated by the romantic nationalist fools of Soviet Armenian cultural élite, altering ironically (due to musical historical illiteracy) the subtle Mozartean type of call-to-revolution against the ruling classes (camouflaged in the complicated plot-lines) – the Aristocracy in Mozart, and the Bourgeoisie in the Ottoman Empire.

Unfortunately in this context, even Mozart’s bitingly satirical revolutionary ardour is not yet appropriately evaluated in musicology – carried away by the beauty of his music and the wealth of his melodies people forget to notice the massive political implications of his entangled plots – Leporello (for example), the servant of Don Giovanni (the landed Aristocrat in the opera of his name, 1787, in Italian) makes a total fool of his Lord, representing the useless, pointless sex-obsessed class of idle perverts, aristocrats who have too much time on their hands, and have nothing else to do but fantasize sexually – their use of women is truly an abuse of  the woman-kind, used as a tool for their masturbatory fantasies, and not a genuine loving appreciation of the individual female involved.  Bed-hopping, usually with the lower classes who have no defence against them, is their impotent violent hobby; violent, even murderous – Don Giovanni kills one of his many lover’s father, once a military commander, trying to protect the virginal honour of his daughter – precisely like Hor-hor Aga, an ex-janissary commander, desperate to guard his daughter’s virgin-honour!  Hor-hor does not “detest the theatre” per se, as written up in the programme-leaflet, but the lack of honesty, deception, and sexual licence of the people who administer it – not much changed there since the old days.

Mozart’s highly original invention – the killed Commendatore comes alive in the form of the … marble Statue on his grave, as a dinner guest invited (personally in the cemetery) by the arrogantly fearless aristocrat, and the loving father drags the Don down (with his palace – signifying the whole system of the Aristocratic social order) into the fires of hell and eternal damnation, where the whole of his ruling class belongs!   This indeed is the true camouflaged message of Mozart’s own … Marxist Revolution, entirely unobserved by the so-said Mozart-experts.

And yet incredibly, Tchoukhadjian, hardly half a century later, seems to have grasped this nature of Mozart’s music by the horns.  Tchoukhadjian’s plot is as complicated as Mozart’s, even messier, more complicated than the one in (say) Die Entfűhrung aus dem Serail (by Mozart, in German = The Abduction from the Seraglio), where there is also a Chorus of Turkish Janissaries (“singt dem  grossen Bassa Lieder” = Sings the big Base Songs, a parallel for the Chorus of the Leblebidji ex-janissaries) with a lot of shenanigans, coming and going out of the Harem, with plenty of occasions for rude and crude vulgar eroticism – belly dancing, commedia dell’arte gesticulation etc.

To sum up Tchoukhadjian’s plot, very briefly; an opera-theatre is being set up for a sumptuous production (symbolizing high art – the private domain of the Ottoman Aristocracy).  The Soprano absconds, but lo and behold, out of the blue, an angelic virgin appears, the daughter of a chick-pea seller, who in turn is trying to hunt for her, his own lost daughter named Gariné!  What follows are endless excuses for erotic incidents of drunken behaviour, harem belly-dancing, dagger-and-dog fights etc.

The original libretto in Turkish is lost – what we have is a mangled Soviet Armenian hash of it, entirely unreliable.  I shall explain how, as I unpack for the first time ever the gems still preserved even in the title… The composer Tchoukhadjian knew well what he was doing, which alas, his first Soviet Armenian romantic interpreters did not.

Let us begin at the very beginning, with the title, Leblebidji Hor-Hor Ağa –The original name of the opera has remained a puzzle hitherto, and yet it contains a wealth of material buried within it, which can be mined for a proper understanding of the missing libretto.  It is the golden key that opens an Aladdin’s cave of complex semantic and musical significances.

Note that the name is of 3 sections;

(1) Leblebidji provides the hero’s profession – leblebi = chick-pea, -dji is a Turkish suffix, signifying a person’s daily occupational involvement – in this case, a dealer concerning all matters to do with leblebi – buying/selling it, grooming it (washing, cleaning, sorting, as there are several kinds of it) etc.  He is thus not a mere seller, but a true trader, a business-man with a shop, using free or tuppence child-labour, selling his chick-peas in street corners everywhere.

(2) Hor-hor is the first (and possibly the only) name of this tradesman, which suggests that it is actually a nickname – a natural imitative sound-effect = khor-khor = khrr-khrr in Turkish/Armenian, and refers to

(a)  Snoring = being a sleepy-head, to which character-trait there are certainly many references in the plot-line about the chick-pea seller falling asleep, or being made to sleep through wine, and erotic semi-naked belly-dancers, and

(b) The reference also goes to his flatulence, gas-pains, a rumbling stomach full of farts – the Chick-Pea Seller’s name would thus satirically mean The Farting Lord or the Lord of Farts, abbreviated to Lord Fart, further complicated by the seller’s profession, because

(c)  The Chick-pea (a very nutritious seed) has a sophisticated, layered use in Byzantine / Ottoman / Armenian food-culture; several versions (like musical variations) are produced from the basic seed – fried with salt, it loses its natural skin, turns attractive yellow with black-burnt spots and is eaten universally throughout the day as a staple cheap food for the poverty stricken masses – imported by London rip-off merchants, it becomes a luxury item, an expensive delicatessen!  It needs no further dressage, is eaten like peanuts.  Raw, the chick-pea is softened by boiling, then crushed into a paste and mixed with tahini (paste of crushed sesame seeds) in virgin olive-oil becomes the most delicious nutritious humous, another cheap staple diet for the masses even today among the London Turkish/Kurdish communities.

Unfortunately, again, the side-effect is a gassy Hor-hor khrr-khrr flatulent belly, reinforcing the semantic-musical significance of the Base-baritone lead as the Lord of Farts, the most important, vital commander ( = Agha) of the hungry masses with khrr-khrr tummies …

The Commedia dell’arte humour, the main ingredient of the Comic Opera, was scatological, not just a camp game of wits for its own sake, but because it reflected real life; lacking food hygiene in medieval times, the “rotten” food the lower classes accessed, and the “rich” food the Aristocrats consumed, made populations everywhere overall gassy – half-empty rumbling bellies full of farts, although for opposite economic reasons.  In Ottoman Turkey, moreover, they had to enjoy belly-dancers with belly-aches farting anywhere, from the Sultan’s harem to the mayhanes (the drinking places) of the poor.

(3) The third part of the opera-title is Hor-hor’s exclusive honorific title; Typical of all empires, the Ottomans used an enormous number of silly titles to feed the vanity of their hierarchically obsessed ruling class; Pasha, Hoca, Effendi, Bey, Vali, Vizier, Hanim, Mufti, Alim, Mullah Etc.

Agha was a military title exclusive to the Janissaries, be they active or retired, signifying commander (Mozart’s commendatore), appropriate in Tchoukhadjian’s opera for the revolutionary attempt of the chick-pea seller to affect a coup d’état with his mates formed into a gang.

Tchoukhadjian thus displayed inventiveness, bravura, and an extraordinary revolutionary courage to place the lowest social class of the Leblebidji-s right in the heart-centre of Life itself in Ottoman Istanbul (as the producer of the staple food of the masses – and to think that such a point would not be understood in a Soviet Armenia!); thank god the Ottoman audience was too illiterate to appreciate Tchoukhadjian’s subtleties, otherwise, he could have lost his head on a Silver platter gifted to the Sultan by his Grand Vizier (the Prime-Minister).

And there’s the rub; The Turks were barbaric Turkic hordes, from the steppes of Central Asia, murdering and plundering their way into Europe via Byzantium, continuing the tradition they had inherited from Genghis Khan and his nomads – their ancestors.  While Genghis and his hordes used to do their plunder seasonally, destroying everything in their wake, and then returning to their dens in Mongolia – I am aware that a Mongolian oligarch of the Russian category, a man of billions and billions of pounds is trying to whitewash and civilize the Genghis-image as a national hero, and we shall be fools in Europe to be bribed by it – the destructive derivatives of Genghis set their ambitions higher and wished to rob the riches of Europe on a permanent basis, by bleeding the heart of the civilized world then, Byzantium itself, marked finally by the fall of the city of Constantinople itself in 1453.

A Failed Document of True Civilization

One Turk, called Osman (1258-1326), born in Anatolia – ancient Armenia –  excited by the centuries of Byzantine refinement wished to go further and civilize his followers (easier said than done!), by founding a dynasty, that remarkably lasted for 600 years as the Ottoman Empire (until its dissolution in 1922, by the declaration of the Republic of Turkey, in 1923).

It takes millennia to construct a civilization, and with our own Western modern technology and the arms-trade, just a few days to destroy all, as the civilized American and British governments achieved attacking Iraq, Syria, Libya, turning ancient countries to dusty rubbles today!

Osman, the progenitor of the Ottomans, in his last Testament to his son Orhan Ghazi, instructed him to

avoid cruelty and superstition … Remove from the state those who encourage cruelty and superstition …. Widening justice and virtue to the whole world… scholars, virtuous men, artists, literary men constitute the power of a state … honour these men, treat them with kindness… Depend on God’s help to achieve justice and fairness, and remove cruelty from the world

{My own translation of a glorious document of civilized culture indeed, unique in history – The ancient so-said civilizations of the Maya and the Inca, and the Chinese had produced no such document – translated unfortunately into ghastly English on the website above!)

There can be absolutely no doubt that the progenitor of the Ottomans wished to construct a civilization, and would have disowned in eternal shame the genociders of the Armenians (the blood-thirsty pack of hyenas led by Talaat, Enver, Djemal Pashas) carrying his name as Osmanli Turks.

The Armenian Contribution to the Byzantine Empire – Politics and Culture, All

Osman, born amidst the Armeno-Byzantine culture of Anatolia, wished to adopt and adapt it for his own people.  He would be fully aware of yet another absolute historical fact forgotten now but alive and vibrant during Osman’s own lifetime – the Armenian legacy in the Byzantine Empire, which Osman’s progeny was to destroy by the destruction of Byzantium.

The most important Byzantine Emperor, who brought about the Golden Age of Byzantine culture, was Basil the First (811-886 AD), who founded a Dynasty, that lasted almost 200 years (from 867 to 1056).   He was a Law-giver, collected in 60 books, called Basilika (= Royal Matters, from the classical Greek word Basileos = King) that governed Byzantium until its fall to the barbarians.  During Basil’s own reign of 19 years, an official genealogy of the Emperor was recorded documenting his birth as a descendant of the Arshakouni (in Greek, the Arsacid) Kings of Armenia – the eminent British historian John Julius Norwich goes as far as confirming that Basil, in spite of his Greek name, was actually a native speaker of Armenian, and spoke Greek with a heavy accent!

If you wish to find out the Armenian names of over 20 Byzantine emperors, visit

Procopius, the Roman Historian, records that the Byzantine Palace Guards called Scholari protecting the Emperor’s family “were selected from amongst the bravest Armenians”, who had contributed a contingent of around 150.000 highly trained soldiers to the overall Byzantine army, where one of its early generals Nersess shined brilliantly – Nersess is an Armenian name still in use today (an architect friend of mine in London is called Nersess!)

The contemporary Byzantines themselves considered Basil the I-st as their greatest emperor, and his dynasty reigning over the most glorious era of the Empire.  The cultural renaissance Basil initiated, which undoubtedly went into the boiling pot of the later Italian Renaissancethe cradle of our modern culture and modernity – was led by three of the most educated men in Byzantium; Patriarch Photius,  John the Grammarian, and the Philosopher Leoall three of them Armenians indeed!!

Heraclius the Elder, the Exarch (Governor) of Africa, was an Armenian-Roman general, who distinguished himself in the wars against the Sassanid Persians (580s).  As a result, he was given the post in Africa (in 600 AD) reaching Carthage, the most important port-city conquered by the Romans, the hub of their life-and-death grain trade in the Mediterranean.  His son became Heraclius I, Byzantine Emperor (ruled from 610- 641 AD), and founder of a dynasty that continued to rule Byzantium for a century.  He drove the Persians out of Asia Minor completely by 627, by the Battle of Nineveh (today the second city of Iraq, named Mosul, alas occupied by the pseudo-Muslim lunatics of ISIS).   Emperor Heraclius boldly changed the official language of the Eastern Roman empire from Latin to Greek – pity not Armenian!

The First occurrence and record of AIDS Four centuries ago

Sultan Murad I (1326-89), whose mother was… Greek, a Byzantine princess, and he himself was married to some wives, one a daughter of a Byzantine emperor, and another the daughter of the Bulgarian Tsar Ivan Alexander, transformed Osman’s tribal territory into an empire, conquering most of the Balkans (Rumelia) and the whole of Anatolia.   He even invented the title of Sultan in 1383.  He was assassinated in his tent, in the evening after the Battle of Kosovo.  I bet he had not read Osman’s Testament (above), for his sons were as murderous as their Father – he had two sons, Bayazid and Yakub, who was invited by his brother to the father’s tent in the battlefield, and was… strangled, just like that, leaving the Sultanate to his brother Bayazid, who naturally was delighted to take over!

The honour of creating the blood-dripping system of Devşirme (= collection) went also to their father, Murad I – inhumanly, the latter considered it as a legitimate blood-tax or tribute in blood, initiating one of the most disgusting, heinous and genocidal institutions of the Ottoman Empire, entirely contrary to Islamic law, and the last will and testament of his ancestor Osman – every 4 to 5 years, the Ottoman military would go to the Balkan and Anatolian villages, precisely targeting generally the Christian, and specifically the Armenian children, 6 to 10 years old, tearing them from their families, collecting them like so many lambs in a pigsty, raping them sexually, to manufacture the most ruthless military order called Yeniϛeri (Janissaries, in English) from emotionally and physically abused children – by 1650s, more than 50 thousand janissaries lived as out-and-out  homosexuals.

The Polish musician and linguist Wojciech Bobowski (1610-75) – named Ali Ufki after conversion to Islam, has preserved a most stunning historical information, which I suggest is the first occurrence of … AIDS – he wrote (as Albertus Bobovius) in 1686 that “diseases” (in plural) were common among the homosexual Devşirme (turned into adult Yeniϛeri).

Running parallel to the Devşirme system, was the institution of the kőϛek – again recruited from Christian, specifically Armenian parents – aged 7/8, the most handsome among the male children were snatched, but really homosexually abused, and trained further for another six years as dancers, selected specifically for passive-feminine homosexual intercourse, cross-dressed in brightly coloured female attire, were employed as harem-entertainers, patronized by the Sultans, usually as belly-dancers.  They even achieved stardom – at least 50 superstars (one of them Kűϛűk Afet was known also by his Armenian name, as Kaspar).  Later, as their popularity increased, they were employed to celebrate family circumcisions, and in meyhane = taverns (but really male brothels – the great British poet Lord Byron is known to have visited one), driving the male-drinkers wild with their lascivious finger-gestures, causing violent fights among the rabble, often ending in murder. Famous Ottoman homosexual poets and musicians dedicated works to them. By 1805, there were approximately 600 Kőϛeks in Istanbul.

The real female belly-dancers (called ʕengi) were so disturbed by the mass-popularity of their very effeminate male counterparts that they in turn did not hesitate to kill some of them.

The yeniϛeri (in Turkish = new corps) graduating from the Devşirme state, unsurprisingly and very predictably became uncontrollably violent as young adults, even though they were led into wars by the Sultan himself as their Supreme Commander (like an American President!) – They were for example instrumental in the capture of Constantinople in 1453, and the subsequent fall of the Byzantine Empire; they became the first and foremost military power in the Ottoman Empire.  In 1804 (for example), a violently homosexual Janissary junta called the Dahias ruled the whole of Serbia in the Balkans.

The Yeniϛeri acquired prominence of very high military rank and social prestige, high levels of pay, exclusively because of homosexual favouritism. They became untouchable, like the British cross-party parliamentary Velvet Mafia (in the immortal words of a British parliamentary committee, warning the Conservative Prime Minister John Major, when he first came to power 1990-7, that he should never ever cross the cross-party group of homosexual Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, ganged-up like the Chick-pea Sellers of Istanbul, defending their rights at all costs against the idle-classes, and rightly so!)

The yeniϛeris, like the British Underground-train-drivers’ union leaders would never compromise their pay and hierarchies (“differentials”, in British trade-union discourse).  All attempts to modernize them within the Ottoman Army would hit the rails!

The city of Edirne was the third-time-round capital city of the Ottoman Empire for 90 years, where Mehmed II (1432-81) the Conqueror of Constantinople and the destroyer of the Byzantine Empire was born – he declared it as his new capital city in 1453.  And he (like a modern ISIS leader) established the first slave market in Istanbul (in 1460s).  They mushroomed overnight in most cities and towns – special markets called Esir, where the slaves of all ages and both genders were publicly stripped totally naked and shamelessly examined by potential buyers – it was the hard-core pornography of the day, replicated today by the genocidal lunatics of ISIS in part-occupied Syria, determined to revive the “Ottoman Caliphate” (whatever they mean).

Edirne was and still is (I think) the home of Kιrkpιnar the name of an extraordinary oil-wrestling tournament held once a year in June, since 1346, and still a very highly prized cultural event in modern Turkey – the pair of young male wrestlers pour buckets of olive-oil on their naked bodies, wear heavy black leather-trousers down to just below the knees, and begin to wrestle normally – but what is unique and quite amazing is the single shockingly homoerotic rule of the match – that they can only topple the opponent by plunging their hands in the trousers to grab the bare oily buttocks of the opponent to trip him up!   Of course all wrestling is intensely homosexual, but this Turkish version is beyond the pale – there is nothing like it anywhere.

Mehmed II built also the vast Topkapi Palace, where, in a part of the Harem, little could he guess, an area emerged in time as a kind of virtual Cage (Kafes, in Turkish) for the potential successors to the throne to be under a kind of house arrest, constantly watched by palace guards – with endless sons of the sultan’s concubines vying for power, their mothers hatching conspiracies to empower their own children, it became customary for a new sultan to get his siblings killed, including infants, dozens of them at once … as a matter of Ottoman routine ritual of succession, very much like an alpha… lion in the jungle who kills all the cubs of a pride he takes over, to force  the fertility of his harem-lionesses he immediately mates with in succession!   The Cage-inmates were allowed to mate only with barren concubines – the psychological pressure was such that one deposed Sultan committed suicide.

And Mehmed II was happily insistent to claim descent from not Osman, but John Tzelepes Komnenos, the brother of a Byzantine emperor – John II Komnenos (= The Beautiful).  He wrote poetry under a pseudonym named “Avni”(= the Helper).  In painting, the Sultan is exclusively portrayed smelling … two red rose-buds, not matured yet (Serayi Albums, circa 1480) – a homosexual symbol of paedophilia referring to the sex-slavery/devşirme/yeniϛeri vicious circular system he had propagated fiercely and fearsomely throughout his empire.

Mehmed II did also some good – codified criminal and constitutional law, and commissioned the first imperial mosque – the Fatih Mosque in Istanbul.  Rossini has an opera, one of his most interesting, titled Maometto II – the heroic Sultan is the same, but the plot line a total fantasy!

The Sultan in real life was capable of incredible genocidal cruelty, contrary to the noble legacy of his ancestor Osman’s message to his son; when Mehmed II had secured the Bosporous Straits militarily, he levied a toll on ships passing through – fair enough, but one day, a Venetian vessel ignored the signals to stop (perhaps even due to some confusion, malfunction or misunderstanding); A single cannon shot sank her, and all the sailors lucky enough to have survived in the water were scooped up and beheaded, except the captain, who was impaled and set-up as a public scarecrow!

While worshipped by modern Turks as their greatest national hero, Mehmed II was so hated by the Europeans (needless to say the Venetians in particular) that when the news of his death was reported, church-bells rang, celebrations held, La Grande Aquila é morta! (= the great eagle is dead) was shouted in the watery streets of Venice, and on gondolas through the canals!


Is There an Ottoman culture?

I think there is, and contrary to what the Anglo-American philosopher Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) thought, that the Ottomans ruled for six hundred years as a military dynasty incapable of culture-creation – the great philosopher had probably the 1915 genocide of the Armenians in mind.  In his old fashioned way, the philosopher obviously equalized culture with civilized behaviour – a definition now entirely outmoded and further demeaned by the use of culture for any other sub-culture to include murderous cults.

And in this centenary year of it, we must observe that the Ottoman “high-culture”, if any such Whiteheadean entity should be defined – was mostly the invention of the Armenians in Istanbul;  In addition to the above examples, we must never forget the great architect Sinan (1489-1588) – some think the greatest in the history of architecture – he realized 476 projects – mosques, hospitals, aqueducts, roads, bridges … the most famous Suleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul, and the Selimiye mosque in Edirne (thought to be his masterpiece); Sinan trained apprentices, assistants, some of whom later designed the Taj Mahal; as the head of a government department, Sinan served three sultans – Suleiman the Magnificent, Selim II, and Murad III.  Sadly, he was a Devşirme child, trained as a yeniϛeri to the level of Ağa-commander, one of the proofs of his Armenian ancestry denied by modern Turkish lunatics.  Myself, I think Sinan built his mosques according to the design of the blue-print of a traditional classical Armenian church.  When in 1573, Sultan Selim II decided to exile the Armenian communities of the Kayseri region of Anatolia (the birthplace of Sinan) to the island of Cyprus he had conquered two years earlier (in 1571), Sinan could arrange that his family was saved from exile by a special firman (Order) from the Sultan. 

The British Bond of the Band of Ottoman “Brothers” – a modern historical puzzle solved

The Ottoman Sultanate was liberally homosexual.  Most of the Sultans and their poets were practising paedophiles.

One of the great mysteries of modern history is the intense puzzling intimacy of the British Foreign policy with that of Turkey, leading the three grand denialists of the Armenian holocaust of 1915.  The USA (the mother of all Gay Liberation) and Israel (where the State formally declared Tel Aviv as the Gay Capital of the Middle East), are Britain’s wedded partners in patronising the Young Turkish genocidal crime, murdering almost 2 million Armenians.

The annals of the British Empire generals of the time freely express their “love of the Turk”-ish soldiery openly.  They share this homosexual underbelly, which can go a long way to explaining the bosom bonding (and bondage) of their foreign policies.

A never known fact seems to be the overall British Empire Army’s adoption of the Ottoman Empire’s sadistic Janissary training – and here it is in black-and white from a book to be officially published on September 10th, summed up by Tony Rennell in today’s Daily Mail (29th August, 2015, pp 46-8) from a biography of the notorious British homosexual spy Guy Burgess);

As the son of a naval officer {aged 13}, it was natural for Burgess to go to Dartmouth Naval College in Devon.  Here he entered a regime that was vicious to the point of cruelty.  Cadets were constantly shouted at and harshly punished for the most minor of imperfections. [...] Caning – six strokes to the buttocks – was arbitrary and frequent.  For serious offences, a cat o’ nine tails was used {a heavy rope with 9 large knots on it to cause maximum pain} [...] He later claimed to the Russians that he became homosexual at Eton, where seduction was common among masters and boys.

The above description is flawless to describe equally the Ottoman Devşirme/Janissary system, for which the British Foreign policy seems to be very grateful (and feels indebted) to modern Turkish state, continuing the Disraeli policy down to our own days; Benjamin Disraeli (1804-81), twice Queen Victoria’s Prime Minister, in denial of Armenian rights under Russian empire support, acquired for the British empire the island of Cyprus (1878) gifted by the Ottomans as a military base (still so!) to police “their” Suez Canal which was the life-line of Britain to India.

The most famous Eton of course is the number one Secondary School for the empire-builders – Eton and Harrow are the Cambridge and Oxford Universities for the super-wealthy teenagers of the British oligarchs.  Trinity College at Cambridge was famous for harbouring secret societies (one named Apostles) exclusive to homosexual elites.

By now it is thus a well-proven fact that most of the British ruling class were child-abused, especially in the best public schools led by Eton (and Harrow), beaten regularly with the rod on their buttocks by sadistic paedophile headmasters and all-male teachers, exactly as described above regarding the naval cadets of the military.  The elite British educational system – primary / secondary / Oxbridge never influenced by social (and societal) changes or modernity, preserves its Ottoman sadistic fixtures.

From endless examples, let us mention the great baby Winston Churchill, whose father, a Lord of the British Realm died of syphilis, and whose American mother was “the local bike” for the British upper crust – an apt Cockney folk expression for female fornicators.  They neglected horribly their teenage-son dumped in a famous boarding school, until the matron sent the repugnant parents a message that they might soon have to collect child-Churchill’s corpse … That physically frequently heart-broken sweet child Winston Churchill became a true Ottoman janissary, plunging the world into the Second World War with his attack on Gallipoli, and then inventing the Cold War against Bolshevism.

In my time, in Beirut Lebanon, I was in touch with the British Council, the cultural wing of Britain’s Foreign Office, closeted exclusively with homosexual officers in foreign lands – even the cultural acts they imported from Britain for display to the local people were cast from highly civilized and socially cautious homosexuals.  The first violin of a Quartet, in his forties, fell in love with me – I was 14, and he wished to sight-see Beirut for a day with me arm-in-arm.  I obliged politely out of love for Shakespeare’s Hamlet and King Lear I used to soliloquize.

A homosexual Sultan, Selim III was entirely reform-minded, and determined to modernize his Ottoman empire – the Yeniϛeri did not like it a bit, especially that the Sultan’s reform-intentions (just like the British Prime Minister Mrs Margaret Thatcher’s) were focused on the destruction of their trade-union power, threatening their socio-economic status.  Consequently, they rebelled – referenced in Tchoukhadjian’s opera – deposed the Sultan (a first in Ottoman history), allowing a gang to murder him.

Sultan Mahmud II (1789-1839), the 30th Sultan (not to be confused with Mehmed II), developed the Reform-zeal of Selim III’s legacy further, enough to win the sobriquet of “Peter the Great of Turkey”.  Legend has it that his mother was a first cousin of Josephine, Napoleon Bonaparte’s wife.

Sultan Mahmud dared to abolish the Yeniϛeri by simply genociding them – on 15th June 1826, most of the 135.000 of them had rebelled fighting battles in the streets of Istanbul which was their power-base – (echoed in the street battles of Hor-hor Ağa commanding his band of yeniϛeri … chick-pea Sellers).

Mahmud II gathered the Janissaries in their barracks and simply slaughtered them.  The last of them, were put to death by decapitation in the Blood Tower of the (now Greek) city of Thessaloniki.

An indication that the Yeniϛeri trade-union power did not disappear altogether was held in the rumours that Sultan Mahmud II himself – their genocider – died eventually in mysterious circumstances, perhaps of TB, but most likely assassinated by an avenging Yeniϛeri, who as an army contingent of homosexuals passed into myth and legend, their ambiguous characters (bad-and-good) transmuted into rebel-fighters for their rights, like modern British trade-union leaders demanding more pay, job-security, and decent living standards.  Their exclusive military honorific title Ağa gained wider prominence precisely like the members of the British Legion, ex-army officers referring to each other with their military ranks (like Rear Admiral, Sergeant Major, Commander etc.)

The Janissary military-band music (called mehter-music) based on the intensive use of giant timpani, davul (Base-drum), zurna (loud shawm) – both Caucasian Armenian elements), zil (cymbals), bells, triangle, boru (natural trumpet) inspired the classical composers of the West; Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky – in Giacomo Puccini’s opera La Bohème (Premiered in 1896), a military band parades in the streets of Paris (in the first Act).  The genius of Beethoven, transformed the Janissary-band music into a new genre, the Funerary March, an unsurpassed masterpiece of which is the 2nd movement of Beethoven’s  Symphony No. 3 (opus 55, in E flat Major, 1804) the EroicaMarcia Funebra, the funeral march (in adagio assai) glorifying the hero’s death.

And today, the yeniϛeri mehter-band is prettified with beautiful primary coloured costumes as one of the best tourist attractions of modern Turkey.

Incredibly, all of the above, and more, are reference points in Tchoukhadjian’s complicated opera – so very complicated, as he seems to have attempted an impossible task in the history of music – an amalgamation of  the two major genres of opera – the opera seria = serious opera, with mythic-tragic and practically melodramatic subjects, against which the opera bouffa = comic opera had arisen.  There are undoubted echoes of Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto in the plotline, but not in the music which is the culprit of the confusion of the Soviet Armenian musical oafs to have lumbered Tchoukhadjian with “the Armenian Verdi” nonsense.

While I am certain that the Ottoman ambiguities about the genocidal Devşirme system and its paedophile-homosexual extension are all over Tchoukhadjian’s plot of the Hor-hor Ağa, I cannot be certain at all about his self-imposed task of forging the two opera genres (of the comic and the serious) into a single unity, as none of the original librettos/scores of his operas have survived intact.  The presence of the tragic sentiment features as a constituent element also in the comic operas of Mozart – Tchoukhadjian’s great source of musical inspiration, although one cannot detect any conscious effort on the part of any composer in the history of music attempting a union of both, the faint signs of which appear in Tchoukhadjian (and perhaps in Wagner 1813-83).

Tchoukhadjian’s main character, for example, right from the bottom of the social scale – a Leblebidji, but an Ağa = a Yeniϛeri military Commander, commands his friends,  symbolizing their whole social class, of the Leb-lebi (= chickpea) sellers of Istanbul, and organizes a rebellion to reclaim his virgin-daughter (hence a young girl, and not a middle-aged Soviet soprano) from the clutches of the Opera-administration (symbolizing the Ottoman ruling class, whose sole function was to entertain the Sultan – a Don Giovanni with hundreds of concubines caged in a harem).   The intention of the yeniϛeris of Hor-hor Ağa is to topple the sex-mad regime of the artistes of Selim III… and by camouflaged extension, the Sultanate itself!

The chorus led by the Leblebidji (a base-baritone role) is a powerful rhythmic almost dance like-melody, displaying revolutionary fervour with their raised clubs to beat the hell out of the lascivious-regime – (in Armenian) enbess me bidi dsedsenk vor morrnan irents harssanik = we’ll beat them up (physically) such that they’ll forget their wedding ceremonies!  Harssanik is an argot euphemism in Armenian for sex-orgy!

The conspiracy of Turkish governments post 1915 to ethnically-cleanse Western Public… Libraries

I remember from my teenage years when Tchoukhadjian’s lost musical score was discovered in a Turkish grocer’s shop in Istanbul, and rescued by a wealthy Lebanese Armenian from being consumed as wrapping paper!

There was an undoubted conspiracy by the post-war Turkish governments, to methodically and ruthlessly cleanse European public libraries of all references in print to the genocide of the Armenians – it was their second level of genocide, the continuation of attempting to wipe the Armenian natives of Anatolia out of History.  Security checks were practically non-existent then, and the evil Turkish deeds done easily.  On many occasions,  I would visit the British Museum in London for research, in the seventies, and discover works recorded in their catalogues, but vanished from the collection – there was the case of an article, cut out with a blade, out of a book of essays!

A few years ago, there was a hullabaloo about the opening of the Ottoman state-archives for research about the genocide of the Armenians, some believed to find hard-core evidence there.

But how could those Armenians be so naive still, when the modern Turkish state had already cleansed their Republic by changing (turkey-fying) the names of ancient Armenian cities, dynamiting the Byzantine Armenian churches (hundreds of them! Even their historical ruins!), had paid secret agents travelling to Europe to mutilate the British Museum and the National Archives.

The British government Civil Servant-slaves are themselves masters of clearing state papers of all harmful and undesirable content, tampering with history itself, while simultaneously pretending that they are releasing the facts and truths of history, the deception strengthened by the titillation of the 30 years rule of keeping them under lock and key.

Tchoukhadjian’s score saved from the Istanbul grocer was immediately transmitted to the Opera House in Yerevan, the capital city of Soviet Armenia, where ignorameously, not even understanding the revolutionary aspect of the plot and its music, the Soviet Armenian intellectual élite totally messed up poor Tchoukhadjian’s comic opera, Mozartean (and Rossini like – the latter himself anyway influenced greatly by Mozart), and not Verdi-ean.

Tchoukhadjian is the Armenian Mozart/Rossini, not Verdi, as an epithet commonly thrown about by Armenian “experts”; the tomfoolery of the Soviet Armenian musical Establishment went as far as even changing the very nature of Tchoukhadjian’s  work, unforgivably, either from sheer ignorance of music-history, or heterosexual male chauvinist idiocy – they should have known that the lead singer of the opéra comique which defines the very genre of the music is the Base/Baritone, not the female Soprano/Mezzo (singing the role of a made-up name) Gariné, stamped then (and now on poor Tchoukhadjian’s work), shifting by misdirection the semantic and musical balance of the work.

You just can’t have a comic opera with a female lead, not even a tenor; it must absolutely be a Base, at the most a Baritone, which is closer in vocal range to the base.  And this was the genocidal musical crime the Soviet Armenian opera directors were guilty of, and frankly, I expect their successors to apologize and recant, and make amends by officially denouncing their unjustifiable musical error, then replace the sheer stupidity of the Gariné (Soprano) title role to the opera’s distinctive original Leblebidji Hor-hor Agha (Base) title.

Danae Eleni, a beautiful English soprano, with perfect pitch, mezzo range, plus coloratura was ignorameously made the star of the London production – I was surprised she did not hail already from the ENO (the English National Opera Company) where she should reside! They should be all ears and eyes to get her for Mozart’s Queen of the Night (in the Magic Flute)!

Leon Berger Hor-Hor, with a pleasant timbre of basso did an excellent job trying not to steal the show, which actually musically technically speaking really belonged to him!

In Beirut (the capital city of the Lebanon), there arrived in the fifties, a genius of the Armenian Istanbul theatre tradition, Berj Fazlian, who in the early seventies also laid the foundations of the Lebanese Arab theatre, by directing musicals for the most famous Rahbani brothers, one of them being married to Feyrouz, a folk singer known throughout the Arab countries.

Mr. Fazlian, probably in his late eighties now, directed Tchoukhadjian’s Leblebidji with a unique savvy Istanbul flavour difficult to define, working together with the late Armen Tarian, a master of Armenian Prose and short-stories (and my own brother-in-law) as the Librettist.

What is quite inexplicable is Gerald Papasian’s own remarkable grasp of what I call the Istanbul-flavour of life and art!  He was too young to have experienced the fruits of Berj Fazilian’s genius … and yet, Mr Papasian seems to have it run through his veins – the best I could define it with is the Commedia dell’arte tradition, which undoubtedly went into the unique melting-pot of the opera-comique – the ingredient of eroticism to the degree of obscenity, the British theatre tradition of which stretched back to Medieval theatre, and of course Shakespeare (still not properly understood by Shakespeare scholars deluding themselves that their great national playwright is as sexless as themselves … There should be an agreed age-of-consent limit (perhaps at 25) not to expose Shakespeare’s true meanings to children!

No Sex Please, We Are British and American Musicals

While the European commedia tradition was less imbibed with blatant violence, British literary obscenity (with Shakespeare and what followed him, the Jacobean Theatre) was drowned in it… By the second half of the 19th c., attending a theatre performance in London (musical burlesque, bawdy badly translated continental operas, vulgar farce, erotic “ballets”) became demeaning for the Bourgeois (outwardly respectable) public, while the landed British Aristocracy continued with their sexual peccadilloes behind the heavily laid curtains of their mansions.

In 1875, Richard D’Oyly Carte noticed quite a big gap in the market to invent the family-friendly light opera by commissioning two composers Gilbert and Sullivan to write the first “clean” comic operas – the time of No Sex please, we are British had arrived (the unforgettable title of a British farce, premiered in 1971, playing to full houses until 1987, totalling 6,761 performances!)

D’Oyly Carte went further, and built the Savoy Theatre in London especially for them (now an adjunct of the Savoy Hotel, home of international celebrities, where today a 50 pence afternoon tea costs a whopping  £ 50 English pounds, yes, you read it correctly, 5000 times over-priced, typical of  what the Daily Mail calls Rip-off Britain!)

The childish junk of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas – a bad imitation of a pair of Rossini-s – continued performing at the Savoy exclusively, de-sexing the British until… 1982, all the while laying the foundations of the American musicals.

Unfortunately rubbed down clean with camp detergent, to the degree of perverting the genre itself of comic opera … into complete infantile boredom, the Gilbert and Sullivan Rossini-foot-prints inspired the silly, superficial, petty, wishy-washy lyrics of the American musicals fit for mindless audiences!

A Last Word on the Arcola Production

Regrettably, the production suffered from some serious flaws. Obviously under-rehearsed, it ran the danger of being a complete waste of time, but it was not, on the contrary, it held the audience spell-bound.

I was stunned by the profoundly moving commitment of the cast to its director – something I have rarely witnessed at Britain’s National Theatre!

Some flaws could have been easily corrected – Opera, with its aggrandized emotions, can absorb imperfect diction, and even a complete ignorance of the lyrics which explains why audiences do not mind not knowing the original language of a grand opera – but not in Opera comique, which possesses large chunks of unsung libretto progressing the plot-line – it is hence absolutely vital that every word is properly enunciated and fully understood in the language of the audience.

From the very first day of the formal rehearsals, the director should have ensured a consensus of how to pronounce the foreign words and names, so that you do not get a dozen different pronunciations of (say) Ga-ri-né as Garaineh, Gai-aneh etc.

Although the director had the excellent idea of spreading out the action all over the stage-space(s), nevertheless, the crowd-scenes were messy and not adequately expansive.

Mr. Papasian, the director (who is also the stage-Narrator) displayed a wonderful sense of stand-up comic’s endless humour and perfect timing.  He kept harping on the fact that this was only a semi-staged enterprise.  I thought he was joking, until I worked out that he meant it! But I think he should have kept it as a deliberate joke, otherwise the question arises as to why bother at all, and not wait for better days when one could stage the opera in full, with orchestra instead of a piano accompaniment (perfectly and seamlessly executed by a first-class musician Kelvin Thomson) and all the paraphernalia of an opera house!  Since there is no prospect of that happening, I think the semi-staging of it should stay as a nice joke, digging at the foolishness of international opera house managements for ignoring such a musical masterpiece.  Tchoukhadjian’s Operetta can be made unflinchingly a staple of the classical repertoire.

I liked also the grotesque commedia dell’arte moustachioed characters played with French style cabaret monkey-business.  I think the production could be safely advertised containing some Commedia dell’arte characters, preparing the potential audience for its directorial innovations – I found it hilarious, the ironical presentation of the Bosporus with sheer blue lighting on the inner red-brick wall of the theatre/stage.

All in all, it was a brilliant success – the audience absolutely loved it.  Tchoukhadjian was the great winner – even as a lame duck, he could compete with Tchaikovsky’s Swans in any lake!


While I was trying to acquire tickets, I discovered that the Internet site of the Arcola theatre was announcing the evening’s programme with a Review of the show – something I have never encountered anywhere else – this fact alone was very odd, but what shocked me most was moreover the obnoxious review – I thought to myself, what madness to put off a prospective theatre-goer from seeing the production … for a moment I thought Hell, why bother…

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it is despicable when a Reviewer seemingly deliberately attempts to demean a creative enterprise and the group of people (the Cast) who are trying their damnedest to kindly entertain.

I am not paranoid, and I dislike anti-Semitic/Armenian obsessives who hunt for conspiracies at the drop of a hat; but in this sensitive year of the genocide of the Armenians in 1915 by the Ottoman Young Turks, could it be that the occasion was a “subtle” attempt to paper over the incontrovertible fact that the Ottoman culture was very much indebted to Armenian creativity, their children providing the Janissaries, their women ornamenting the Sultan’s harems – it was discovered only last year that about 3 million Turks today have an Armenian grandmother … who have usually divulged the secret of their identity on their deathbed!

By genociding 2 million Armenians in cold blood, in 1915, against the last will and testament of Osman, the founder of the Ottoman dynasty (born in ancient Armenian Anatolia) advocating kindness, fairness and justice, never cruelty,    the racist hyenas of the Young Turks plunged their own country into a hell the fires of which are still burning, and threatening to engulf the whole of the Middle East – the sick fantasy of Western Bushite warmongers aiming for permanent “little” wars that can keep their macro-economies based on military-industrial complexes oiled and going…

I am told that the Theatre’s Founder and Artistic Director is a very nice Turkish gentleman – and one would think that he would not cut his own throat by denigrating on his website a production he had initiated … But then, people of all nations are funny that way… which way?

The genociders of the Armenians in 1915, Talaat (the PM), and Enver (the minister of War) were bosom Freemason brothers of the Armenian Lawyer Krikor Zohrap, an MP of the Ottoman Parliament, and their expert of international law (he was also the Guy de Maupassant of Armenian literature, an unsurpassed master of Prose) … he had Turkish coffee in the morning with Enver, arrested in the afternoon by Talaat, and his head smashed with (literally) rocks in the evening (bragged about by the murderer himself)!

I have dear and sweet and compassionate Turkish friends in London, who know that my own father was a victim of the genocide, they share my tears of his memories, but then suddenly deny that it was a well-planned genocide – only an accidental massacre… of 2 million!

Perhaps the Artistic Director of the Arcola Theatre could inspire a Turkish composer to write a comic opera on this accidental massacre!

2 Responses to “A Papasian Production that makes you proud of being an Armenian”

  1. Dikran Vorperian sagt:
    Dear Hovhanness, I am overwhelmed by your thorough study of a detailed historical facts, specifically during the time when Genghis Khan and his murderous followers pillaged the “Poker Asia” and, which followed by the Ottoman Turks, finally committing one of the greatest genocides in the history of mankind. All this to explain the very essence of the Dikran Tchoukhadjian’s operetta called “Leblebiji Hor-Hor Aga”. One can see the sequence of events clearly from your superb article and the inter-connections with some European countries and their universal policies, leading to the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians. Part of the crime against humanity committed was the evacuation of the remaining Armenian from their mother-land Armenia. Naturally, when there are geniuses like you, I do not think that the truth can be concealed any longer. I thank you for reacting to the criticism of Tchoukhadjian’s operetta and bringing up important historical facts, which you presented so well and with so much details. My only wish is to have a thousand strong like yourself all over the world, to fight the lies and misrepresentation of the so call the modern, democratic nations in Europe and North America, who are still protecting the evil. Well done my friend and keep up the good work.     Antworten 
    • sagt:
      Մեծարգո խմբագիր՝ «Նոր Խոսք»-ի
      Այնքան ուրախ, երջանիկ և անհունորեն շնորհակալ եմ, որ ինձ ուղարկեցիկ Տիգրան Որբերեանի գնահատականը… Նա, մի բացառիկ անձնավորություն է, աննգուն ՀԱՅ և սկանչելի արվեստագետ՝ օպերայի երգիչ՝ Տենոր…
      Այնպես, որ գնահատականի ազնիվ խոսքեր նրանից, համազոր է… պետական շքանշանի Հայաստանից…
      Հովհաննես Ի. Փիլիկեան





This article can be found in full on the following websites 

Nor Khosq


Professor Pilikian's Innovative Discoveries of British Statecraft he calls Foxlore (*)
by Phaedra Behrent
(Researcher, Editor, Poet)
Professor Pilikian has developed such an elegant discourse, a first-class style of English writing, that it may occasionally distract the reader from the explosive content of his extraordinary fresh discoveries of dormant historical facts, brought into new life by the Professor. His verbal pyrotechnics are almost Shakespearean. I always read his essays half a dozen times in great delight ...
I love his scholarly analysis and major discovery that all ancient peoples WITHOUT EXCEPTION are MIXED -- a pure race would be genetically literally idiotic and diseased ...
And the British culture (according to Professor Pilikian) is simultaneously the most Evolutionary and Dialectical in world-history - a truly massive idea that can serve as an inspirational source for humongous studies, re-writing multi-ethnic world-cultural history;
This article raises many such shocking questions, including the absolute truth about the nature of our much trumpeted Democracy, our hard-won people's Right to Vote, acquired through centuries of struggles, often civil wars -- are we living in a true democracy?
We get to vote for the person or party of our choice ... yes, but each different option having been pre-selected by the class-ridden ruling elite through smoke-filled rooms ...
Thus, is the election victor truly the 'people's choice' or are they in fact, the most popular of the ... Civil Servants' options -- we happily laugh at the almost perfect TV-series of Yes Minister, oblivious to the fact that almost every word of its 'foxy' manipulations is outrageously true and tragic.
I often wonder if the erosion of the differences between the two main political parties in Britain was brought about by Baroness Thatcher, dealing with the 'thorn in her flesh', the Trade Unions, the defenders of the rights of the British working class. She tried to eliminate them by privatizing most of our country's major nationalized Industries; Steel, Water, Telecom, and many, many more. With those huge national companies now owned by the 'anonymous' members of the Private Sector, the new owners could distribute the labour-force around the globe, to wherever was more cost effective. There is no more a call for a true Labour Party if one has already dissolved the industrial Labour Force of our country.
In the eighties and the nineties, the entire world was invited to the mass-auction of our home grown businesses. Our country was changed, its very fabric and ethos altered, of course we cannot go back to what we had before. Now the French and the German multi-nationals own our ... utilities!
We invited the world in, we must embrace them. We are a multi-cultural society that has been made up historically by people from all over the globe, especially Europe, as the Professor details in this article, why are we now looking to close the door?
We must surge on, moving forwards always ... as we break down business barriers through global free trade (a British idea), we cannot afford forgetting to promote multi-cultural social cohesion, if we do not wish to drown in the mire of horrible racism, the last resort of which is always a ... Genocide -- the wholesale murder of a whole group of unfortunate innocents!
We should not limit our nation's horizons by adding crocodiles to the moat to keep out the people, we should be celebrating the variety that comes from being part of a much larger continent. We should be learning from one another and teaching our children tolerance.
I would not like to return to the Imperialist days when we "the British" learned about other civilisations and cultures by murdering and plundering our way across their lands, stealing their ancient artefacts that tell the stories of their own evolutionary development.
I remember when Graham (my husband) and I were looking at the exhibits in the British Museum recently, I commented to him that it was basically a museum of trophies, stolen from all of the people around the world that we, as a country, had conquered. I distinctly recall leaving the museum with a 'nasty taste in my mouth', certainly not a feeling of national pride!
National pride, what is that? I wonder what it feels like to belong to a nation that has done nothing but good and endeavoured to live their lives and raise their children that way. I wonder if there is a nation on Earth that can claim to be beyond reproach... I very much doubt it.
I am sure that there must be some countries that are moving forward in a sustainable way, actively seeking clean alternatives to raping the planet of its natural resources. Surely, people cannot be constantly seeking and promoting conflicts.
We should no longer think of ourselves as belonging to a specific colony of people -- I think we all belong to the same colony of human beings who inhabit this little blue planet.
How naive I sound. Still, I think the common language around the world should be kindness -- we do not have to tell each other how kind we are, but we should be showing it to one another in practical ways. If only we could ...
"We must learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish together as fools." Spot on!
{ Martin Luther King Jr., speech at St. Louis, Missouri, March 22, 1964 }.

* (Personal Communication)

This, my short essay is published on the premier multi-lingual Armenian websites

(in Germany), and

(in Sweden)
Brexit, And the Modus Operandi
of British Democracy
by Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian
The Fox, the Lion, and the Donkey
There seems to be a primitive urge in advanced cultures not to break links with their tribal Totems. One of the greatest poets of Eastern Armenian literature, Hovhanness Toumanian (1869-1923) once wrote disparagingly of the Armenian Republic’s national seal as representing a ... Zoo! Totemism in cultural history is a significant sign (as yet unobserved) of pre-Darwinian consciousness of human/animal evolutionary linkage.
The old Churchillean British imperialist Bull-dogs, fancy themselves as Lions – in truth, Richard I of England (1157-99) was called “The Lion-heart” due to his bravery during the 3rd Crusade. Before the modern British UKIP (political Party led by Nigel Farage) racists can celebrate, I must point out that Richard the First was... French, son of a remarkable feminist Queen (Eleanor of Aquitaine c.1122-1204), who from her teenage years did not hesitate to use her sexuality to outlive two Kings and a son-King, the said Lion-heart, who spent only ... six months in England during his ten years of ... British reign, as he ‘migrated’ to the Middle East outside the ... EU!
Alan Clark, many times a Minister in Thatcherite governments, published a World War I study called The Donkeys – he was denouncing the incompetent British Generals, lunching and boozing endlessly in their own small world, out of touch with reality, and stupidly sending the innocent soldiers to slaughter ... Alan Clark was not joking – it was a serious study of Commanders not knowing what to do, confronted with the reality of a world-war; Sir John French, Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force headquartered in France, in spite of his ... surname, did not know French, and had hilarious misunderstandings – grotesque on hindsight, but very serious indeed to run military action smoothly ... finally replaced by General Haig, who had a Cavalry “obsession”, entirely out of context, almost obsolete in an industrial warfare ... The joke (which was no joke at all...) was that he used his cavalry units, abusing them frequently as dismounted infantry ... Even Donkeys are cleverer than that!
Although Clark does not pick on the fact, the most hilarious World War I tool used by the troop leaders in the trenches was the... classroom whistle, yes, the whistle... to order the troops to climb the half-mud walls into battle under the unrelenting fire of the German machine guns ... they thought a battle was no more than a Football game!
After even the worse disaster of the Second World War, the British donkeys finally wised up and turned into ... Foxes! I live in Barnet and the Red (Communist...LOL) foxes are as agile as athletic cats, now you see them, now you don’t, invisible in a bush you would think they could not penetrate. The British Civil Servants, with permanent job-security, are those Red Foxes that can only be replaced through (what the British Fox euphemistically calls) “natural wastage” meaning Death. They constitute an un-elected permanent government within the government, the members of which come and go through electioneering they, the Red Foxes stage-manage, keeping and preserving the fanciful fantasy (or, the permanent delusional illusion) of Democracy, that the electorate has voiced their political choices, fed them by the political parties...
One of the most democratic ways of subverting democracy itself is the one inspired by the British Fox, intensely practiced these very days in great America – limiting the choice of candidates to horrendous abominations; the whole world by now knows well Donald Duck Trump and his comical but nasty world-views, whose alternative is Mrs. Clinton, a woman of Biblical serpentine evil ... Watch this video to find out;
A more subtle and refined British Fox-version is the gradual, continuous and evolutionary erosion of the fundamental differences between the two main political parties in Britain, The Capitalist Conservatives Vs. The non-Marxist Socialism of the Labour, by now so diluted as to be the Right-wing of the Conservatives... The Prime Minister David Cameron and the Chancellor Osborne are lambasted by the Daily Mail for ring-fencing financially the still free NHS – the National Health Service, the Crown Jewels of the British people. As for the vastly caricatured pink-red zealotry of Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Tony Blair’s totally pink New Labour, it is a distasteful bad joke, as bad as President Obama being a ... Socialist!
The single most important concept in what I call “British Foxlore of Statecraft” is to advocate “The Rule of Law”, that no one is above the Law, even the Royal family, sitting at the top of the socio-political power-pyramid. The Law(s) of the United Kingdom are formulated by its Parliament (the House of Commons), supervised by its House of Lords.
However, in this context, one must never forget that the Nazis were most legalistic ... They committed all their crimes against humanity verbatim by the letter of the Laws they wrote... Thus therefore the changeable Laws provide no iron-clad guarantee for human compassion and consequent action.
Hitherto neglected aspects of British Culture
British culture is the most evolutionary in the world – the Darwinian Theory of Evolution was bound to arise in Britain. Generally speaking, the British people are masters of evolutionary constructs; precisely as in Nature, animals and plants evolve gradually over a long time of speciation, what was not there, suddenly finally appears in its full glory ... likewise, the British evolutionary development of revitalized dilapidated constructions. For example, the renewal of the magnificent museums in London – take the most illustrious one, the British Museum – a bit of a misnomer, unless you consider its name to be a case of racist/nationalism; there is nothing British in its content, filled to the brim with the looted objects from all over the world, robbed in full daylight by the British imperialists, from China to Africa via especially the Middle East...
In fact three of the most important social scientific disciplines of Archaeology, Anthropology and Linguistics were born out of the British imperialist obsession with world domination.
Archaeology evolved from the hunt for ... gold, transmuting into the loot of ancient antiquities ... still the fact remains that the Iraqi National Museum of Antiquities was the first victim of the Bush-Blair war – it was instantly plundered and robbed, and hitherto there is absolutely no formal government investigation as to what, where the loot is, and who were the criminals ... And precisely as in its first days of archaeological digs a hundred years ago, the global antiquities market based entirely on pure monetary trading is very much vibrant and a shameless black-market too, when in fact it should have been eliminated long ago by United Nations / UNESCO rulings.
The discipline of Anthropology was born out of the need of the British imperialists to understand especially African cultures, and most vitally, how those ‘primitive’ Africans could rule themselves perfectly in social cohesion, which as a by-product resulted in the need for language learning, gradually evolving into the invention of the discipline of Linguistics.
The way the British gradually transmute and transform something into something else is a miracle to behold – They never closed down the British Museum in toto, but over decades, little by little, and bit by bit, they re-built everything, in such a glorious way, that of course only the name is the same ... everything else inside is unrecognizable, old stones, reliefs and murals re-contextualized into appearing as newly unearthed objects of wonder...
Let me immediately define a new evolutionary concept of culture deliberately obfuscated by racist nationalists, and increasingly activated abhorrently against immigrants and refugees.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle (in his treatise Politics) was the first to note 2,300 years ago, that “Man is by nature a Social animal”.
Culture (I say) is time- and environment-specific, not contingent on ethnicity or nationality – it is created as a social product by everyone and anyone living in a specific community at a specific time and in a specific environment. Its continuity is guaranteed by habits and social customs in an unrelenting ‘Darwinian’ evolution. Multi-ethnic European amalgams create the cultures (mistakenly labelled by the country-names, the geo-political environments they are born into).
Racist institutions deliberately obfuscate and promote a-historical notions – the illiterate British who babble of “Being British” do not seem to know that at all times they have been the product of Armenians (so stated in the Preface of Anglo-Saxon Chronicles), Anglo-Saxons, French Normans, Scandinavian Vikings part Rus { = Russian, originally referred to all the peoples in Scandinavia, the Baltics, Ukraine, Poland and of course Russia ... President Putin could annexe them all in historical comfort!)
I bet if Winston Churchill knew this ‘new’ research, he would tumble in his grave daily ... Nigel Farage (the jolly UKIP clown with mindless laughter and continuous beer-stinking) protesting against immigrants invading London, seems ignorant of the fact that the French Protestant Huguenots invaded London (among other countries) as a direct result of persecution by the French Catholics – the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre by today’s United Nations definitions would be definitely categorized as a Genocide, whereby 25,000 protestants were massacred in a day in Paris alone ... Just as in today’s racist America, where the police murders Black young men, and the corrupt American judiciary declares the Police-shooters innocent, in 1573 a French government amnesty pardoned the perpetrators ... plus ça change, plus ça ne change pas ... c’est la même chose ...
A huge fact ignored by racist British Historians (never mind the beer-stinking Mr Farage) is that the Huguenots established a Weaving industry in and around the Spitalfields area in East London, which became the key-stone industry of the great Industrial Revolution, hence the mother of global Capitalism...
The greatest Jewish Contribution to world history via the British Culture
The British socio-political cultural obsession with accepting the supremacy of the Law (albeit unreliable and abused by the Nazis) now very much a foundation stone of democratic nation-building was actually inspired by the Hebraic Book of Judges, that records life in Israel under Judges (not Kings), for over three centuries (from 1244 to 879 BC), when Israel, just like the pre-colonial African tribes, were guided rather than ruled by tribal leaders. The great Judaic innovation was the literariness of the Jews exemplified by the Torah (= the Old Testament), a kind of Law-book, which if adopted and followed induces a certain ‘democratic’ accountability to the social group.
At the least since Prime Minister Disraeli, in high Victorian times, the British Judiciary both in theory and practice, has been guided by Jewish intellect – most judges, and lawyers are Jewish – I confirm this not out of anti-Semitic racist envy, but rather with egregious pride and great meritorious delight.
The second great Jewish contribution which has rubbed on the British culture as a direct yield of the first is as yet the following unobserved historical fact – the Jewish culture-creators (the multi-ethnic amalgam that produced the Jewish people – forget about the ‘pure Jew’ a-historical idiocy; all very ancient people uncontroversially, as a matter of historical fact, are mixed race – something the sooner historians understand the better for historical truth as a Chinese wall against all kinds of Genocides!) – Jews thus, are the most dialectical people in world culture – Karl Marx owes his Dialectical Materialism to his Jewish ancestry; immediately that the Rabbis define a Law, they instantly begin pulling it apart, arguing against it, subverting its essential content, creating its dialectical opposite ... when my wife once opined that I and her never agree on anything, while having reared three wonderful children, I tried to comfort her by the observation that we are indeed a classical case of Hegel-Marxian dialectical couple – we should be proud of it, rather than regret it. Anyway, I am myself delighted by it ... for me, marrying your ‘cultural double’ (which is the case in most societies), would be incestuous ... albeit resulting in easier and smoother socio-political-sexual relations, but ‘incestuous’ nevertheless.
There is the Rub
Like all good things in life, things can and do go horribly wrong, corrupted and perverted by inverted power-obsessed people, who delete compassionate love out of their life-formula – then, even the great good can turn into great evil. One should never forget that the grand Satan was an Archangel once, most beloved by God – yet out of sheer power-envy, he turned into a continuously power-playing ... evil chess Grandmaster!
The British rulers have over centuries successfully mastered the Satanic art and craft of perverting the truth through lies, and lies and more lies – Mark Twain, the great American Satirist (in Chapters from My Autobiography, published in the North American Review in 1906) quoted a “remark attributed to Disraeli”, Queen Victoria’s beloved Prime Minister, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics” abundantly proven nowadays during this month of British Government Brexit Referendum campaigns. So much so that one of the most presumably impeccable British government set-ups, the Parliamentary Treasury Select Committee could not take it anymore, and publicly reprimanded the campaigners of both camps, confirming that the “core claim that leaving the EU would give the country a £350 million a week windfall was simply untrue, and by far the most serious offence in the EU battle ... To persist with this claim would be to misrepresent the Treasury’s own work” (Daily Mail, May 28th, 2016, p. 8).
In people’s simple English, “simply untrue” means (nothing else but) “simply a lie” ... and why not say so?
Furthermore, even more frightening is the shocking fact, that in spite of this lie being exposed by no less than the very Parliamentary Select Committee of the Treasury, it is still endlessly repeated, like a magic mantra to bewitch the masses into hating the supposedly ‘Socialist’ European Union.
Statistics used to be a highly regarded science, as it dealt with numbers that could be mathematically crunched – Mathematics is always regarded as the highest scientific discipline in achieving truths! But no more with the British Statistics – the British Foxes destroyed the reliability of Statistics by endlessly blatantly and shamelessly lying about the number of immigrants and refugees having come to this country – Tony Blair’s fraudulent New Labour imported ‘Foreigners’ like ... cattle, as cheap slave-labour to oil the machine of a bankrupt Capitalism tottering and doddering into a collapse, be-crutched by State-Money printing, obscenely camouflaged by a laughable term of Economic ‘science’ – ‘Quantitative Easing’, creating the false impression that Economics is a precise science, when in fact it is always based on speculative fantasy figures easily manipulated to ruin peoples’ lives, to make the rich richer by skinning the masses alive through corrupt practices of sheer deception.
Classical Economics vs. Modern daylight Robbery
In olden times, Economics was defined as a means of human social interaction, trading on the principle of Supply and Demand. A product was assessed in terms of the cost of its production, with a humble reasonable honourable added increment (Karl Marx’s ‘Added Value’) on the cost of production as the capitalist’s decent profit. Today, all decency is thrown out of the window like Elizabethan garbage ... there are no more barriers to what price the capitalist can charge – what he can really get away with, a hundred fold the cost of its production ... the plastic (the cheapest chemically produced material in the world) gone into making a computer is probably altogether a £, which is then sold for a thousand (the Apple Computers), made by the Chinese ‘communist’ slaves of an American multi-national company, which moreover does not pay full taxes ...
All workers in Britain never ever see their full pay, the exorbitant tax is automatically stolen by the State, before the crumbs left reaches the pathetic slave labourer ... while the Nigerian, Russian, and Indian billionaires buy golden watches for their dogs in London ... yes, you are not reading wrongly, the Dog of the son of one of the richest ‘communist’ businessmen of China was shown on British TV with not one, but two Apple watches (one on each paw) ... And the porno daughter of another billionaire ‘communist’ was shown lounging on a bed semi naked, burning wads of paper-money with a cigarette lighter!
A Little International History of Voting Fraud
In their desire to appear democratic and free, the Soviets used to foolishly try and deceive the West by crude (actually pathetic and ridiculous) methods of fraudulent voting – they would openly send their KGB agents by the scruff of their necks to stuff voting papers in the electoral boxes ... unfortunately, lacking any urban sophistication, their peasantly illiteracy would show up in their honest stupidity, of winning Stalinist elections by 95% ... it occurred to none of the KGB oafs to occasionally pretend neck-and-neck statistics ...
The British Red Fox meanwhile invented some of the most subtle and sophisticated means of vote rigging, by re-designing regional boundaries every year (for no necessary reason). They would have precisely calculated (‘predicted’) seats pre-ordained for the Party Leaders, overtly advertised as “Safe Seats” in the gift of the permanent Civil Servants that control the map of the Constituency boundaries.
Computer voting was heaven-sent US Silicon-valley technology to manipulate and rig votes without seeming to have done so ... The crude ‘Russian’ peasant that President George Bush (Junior) was, he was caught red-handed in letting his brother Jebb (of Florida) to do the dirty ... KGB trick of vote-rigging for him!
Computer voting was manna from heaven for the British Civil Servant Foxes. They evolutionized it further by calling it Postal Voting – a superlative way of manipulating votes which matter no more. Just like the votes of Britains Got Talent (for which the foolish masses are driven to even pay for their own votes ... enriching the TV companies with hundreds of millions of pounds) ... Now that is what I call a grand-masterly Satanic deception of the entirely stupid voters agreeing to such self-deception.
Similarly now in Politics – the British Ruling class Red Fox has reached the divinity level of vote-rigging, as a direct result of which they can permit the practice of total ... democracy – two wrongs can finally make a right for the first time in British history – as the final result is comfortably pre-determined, without a whimper from the voting masses ...
It makes me laugh when the multi-ethnic people of Britain are gloriously stirred up and manipulatively excited into democratic self-deception and delusions of lion-hearted grandeur...
Britain shall stay in the EU
I predicted correctly the results of the PR (Proportional Representation in parliament), and the Scottish Independence referenda... I shall now predict the Brexit In-Out Nonsense game – the most ludicrous hitherto. Such a vote would make logical sense only pre-joining the EU ... already in it, a member government theoretically and logically has no legal right to campaign for an exit, as that government enjoys all the benefits of the Union with already the priceless Veto on all vital communal decisions. The British government is wasting everybody’s time and expensive monetary tax-resources to organize an absurd flash-mob event ... hardly worthy of a half an hour display in a train Station!
The gain of the British government before the eyes of its citizens and the whole world will be the glorification of its calm and peaceful Democracy – by simultaneously distracting the citizens from the horrendous social ills and evil corruption of the countrythe rich getting unreachably richer, creating housing shortages; threatening the NHS collapse; the unacceptable privatization of University Education whereby sweet potential young students are raped into becoming Banking fodder, forcefully enslaved into Money Borrowing to keep the money-circulation in the City going; public transport charges skinning people alive daily; prostitution, alcohol and drug addiction on the increase throughout the land; Benefits ruthlessly decimated; wages reducing; taxes increasing; government introducing indirect taxes by eliminating Free parking at Hospitals, obligatory BBC Licence fee increases; Flooding and not-facing Climate change; increase of Antisemitism and rise of racism in general etc. etc.
Five years ago, I could survive for a day in Central London for a fiver ... Now, twenty pounds is not enough to pay for some hot air (polluted to breathe) and drinks – latte fifty percent froth! Those are the real explosive issues the government wishes to avoid, by encouraging people to let steam off, battling excitedly for... harmless hot air...
Britain shall remain in the EU, and the votes shall be... neck-and neck, satisfying both the Ins-and-Outs (deliberately sexualized by the Red Fox for a bit of wonky fun ... in the Chocolate factory!)
And everybody will feel happy in a perfect Democracy, where the votes are already ... in, months before the people actually vote, including myself ... why not, voting is great fun, to quote a feminist term, it makes you feel empowered ... never mind that feminist empowerment is itself a sheer hot air fantasy, proven by the fact that in the birthplace of post-modern Feminism (the USA), women are still paid unequally, still regarded by Hollywood as no more than sex-objects, easily accessible for rape ... the same country of the USA, where Black people are still (after several centuries of slave-liberation) abused as prison-fodder, and shooting targets for the white police ... The Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln was signed on January 1, 1863, but if you are Black in America today, you shall be poor, easily shot at, and dispatched to prison.
This article can be found on the internet, in full, on the following websites:

Brexit for Britain on the Cusp of an

Evolutionary Revolution
Written by
Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian
Editorial Note by Phaedra Behrent (Researcher, Editor, Poet)
I can do no better than quote the comment by Dr Armen Baghdoyan accompanying this article on the Nor Khosk website hailing from Germany;
The same on (from Sweden)

" Prof. Pilikian has done it again. This article is a superb panorama of modern advanced capitalist states. Concentrating on Britain and taking his cues mostly from the British sources, Pilikian mercilessly and exhaustively analyses the British society, economy, and politics in a way only he could. Pilikian opens the eyes of the Armenians and the world at large to the policies of the British Empire during WWI as being instrumental in the massive deportations and the slaughter of Armenians in Central and Eastern Turkey, thus playing a central role in the first genocide of the 20th Century for imperial interests. 
" I particularly enjoyed the brutal dethroning of the British political icon Winston Churchill for the drunkard scoundrel and mass murderer that he was. Pilikian also has a recipe for a possible Labor Party resurgence: Stop playing to the tune of filthy capitalists and go back to your roots of being the Party of Laborers for the laborers under the leadership of Corbyn. Or face the possible extinction of socialist ideas in Britain.
" Unfortunately it is impossible to render justice to this seismic analysis within the confines of a comment. I mentioned only some of the piercing insights that abound in this amazing output of a highly talented intellect.

               " A Must read for any curious mind. Relish it."

Dr. Armen Badghdoyan lives in the United States, where he has been the Editor-in-chief of an Armenian bi-lingual daily for several decades.  He has also been publishing theoretical essays in the Marxist leaning US monthly – Nature, Society and Thought.
In 2006, Dr. Baghdoyan was invited to Hanoi, to participate in a two-day international seminar in Vietnam, co-sponsored by the Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy and the above-mentioned US Marxist-oriented monthly Nature, Society and Thought.

More than 25 papers were presented at the seminar.  Dr. Baghdoyan’s paper tackled the theme of the economic and cultural effects of neo-liberal globalization.  The next day, the official English-Language Vietnamese newspaper Vietnam News, in its coverage of the Seminar, singled out Dr.  Baghdoyan’s paper, quoting abundantly from it.  Remarkably, there was no mention of any other conference-paper. 
Subsequently, Dr. Baghdoyan was invited to conferences in China 3 times, as an official guest of the Chinese State.  He presented an appropriate paper in each.  One was on the occasion of the anniversary of the publication of Karl Marx’s DAS KAPITAL, unanimously selected to be translated and published in the Chinese language, with an abstract in English,  in the  quarterly  History of Economic Thought, published by the Renmin University, thus making Dr. Baghdoyan the first Armenian intellectual to be translated into Chinese.

And last but not least, from a personal communication, I gather that Dr Baghdoyan has not even met (yet...) the Professor personally, but states without any hesitation;

“ Professor Pilikian’s essays are awesome!!! I always marvel at Pilikian's glorious command of the English language.

He is so unique with his sharp, vivid, and exceptionally colorful mastery of the English language, that I read everything he writes multiple times with great relish!

Among the Armenian culture-makers, he is a separate intellectual Himalayan peak (rather, an Ararat-peak!) ... as the French say, sans pareil = without his like! ”


A Seismic Event in the Making – and its Royal secrets, old and new, unravelled  
There is an unusual and a very strange mysterious mist overhanging Britain, like a Chernobyl-cloud full of ‘nuclear’ danger the authorities are attempting to dissipate safely, as fast as they could ... while simultaneously trying not to alarm the population;
The British Television is used most effectively for such an end – the Brits are masters of blood-letting through TV – suddenly we are drowned in Noah’s flood, of programs about our Royal Family, literally, or by implication, while continuing showing the endless seeming Canal + French production of Versailles (BBC2) of the French Sun-King Louis the 14th, whose court was as treacherous as the English King Henry the VIII’s, conspiratorial poisonings were abundant and routine, unsurprisingly therefore, the French production has an English-speaking cast copying (and succeeding eminently) the well-done British period productions in every detail. 
More than the sun-King himself, it is his homosexual brother, Philipe I Duc d’Orléans with his incredibly lunatic promiscuous antics who has been a glorious promotion of gay rights, the actor himself (and his lover) being more beautiful than any of the King’s mistresses at the French court, rotten to the core with old hags and aristocratic farts.

My Con-Cock Theory of History 
The “conspiracy theory of history” is quite well and firmly established world-wide, and heavily opposed by British historians who have their own “Cock-up theory” of history – as good Darwinists, they believe that history happens by chance, and never by plots and plans.  The irony is that British history is the greatest example of ... conspiracies, from its origins in the Anglo-Saxon forests of ... Arden, the trees taking a walk in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth! 
Nevertheless, in Britain, people still stubbornly refuse to believe in conspiracy-theories, when as great historical conspirators themselves, they have almost created the craft of what I call Fox-lore; serious modern British imperialist historians prefer what they call obscenely the cock-up theory of history, even though a superb documentary-feature about the first Queen Elizabeth (Elizabeth I: Battle for the Throne – Channel 5) would whack those historians across their Face-books, based on the incredible conspiracies and plots of the age to eliminate/assassinate her, “with enemies lurking around every corner.  She never knew who to trust and who to fear – her life was a constant battle for survival, during which she would never know a moment’s peace.” (the Daily Mail TV Listings Magazine, Weekend, 9 May, 2017, p. 47).  
Elizabeth’s own father, Henry the VIII, head-chopper of his Wives, and a great political manipulator (= conspirator) declared young Elizabeth, his own flesh-and-blood, a Bastard – Shakespeare, profoundly and courageously explored the theme in King Lear, hitherto un-understood in Shakespeare criticism; Cordelia is that young maiden Queen Elizabeth, rendering King Lear, one of the greatest plays of world-drama, into a metaphor of the old head-chopper of his own wives, Henry the VIII.
Then, in the same week (BBC 2; 10th May) showed this glorious television production of King Charles III  entirely based on the premise of Princess Diana wishing cheekily to ‘dethrone’ Prince Charles herself before even her husband would receive the crown – superbly acted by the late Tim Pigott Smith as Prince Charles, in a first-class documentary feature where every word uttered was ... untrue, fantasized, a lie, and rather a classic Fake News, distastefully and disgracefully pronouncing our Queen Elizabeth II to be ... dead – the film opens on her funeral in the Westminster Abbey, the funeral sound track occasionally even hinting at Illuminati-distorted Satanic worship-sounds!
My own theory of history, I have labelled as The Con-Cock Theory of History; I believe that both parties (materialist vs. idealist) have some truth on their side – the absolute truth lies in the amalgam of both; History does progress with active intervention by individual minds (Karl Marx etc.), where the human agency can mess-up processes (the meaning of the cock-up), however, simultaneously, I also appreciate the Hegelian (‘Christian’) view of a “mysterious” force operating for the good of the individual and the community he belongs to, usually marching towards greater human Freedom – something Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels discounted erroneously.
There is a third dimension to this sudden massive media Royal paraphernalia, indirectly linked, this time guided by jollity and mass-television fun like The Queen Mary: Our Royals at Sea (Channel 5, 26 May, 2017, the Daily Mail Magazine, Weekend, p.67; “a ship that was the largest and fastest vessel ever built came to epitomise 1930s glamour and the golden age of transatlantic ocean travel”); the Royal Windsor Horse show Special  (ITV – 12th May), the same day as the first of a series of a documentary on the Sovereign’s House of CommonsInside the Houses of Parliament (Ch 5), all of which suggest to me that this Chernobyl-cloud with explosively ‘nuclear’ potential has to do with our Royal Familysomething very serious has or is about to happen that has to do with Britain’s Royal Family, and no one seems yet to know how to dissipate the potential nuclear clouds safely.

Fast and faster daily-life rhythm

Pre-Brexit life itself in Britain seems to have speeded up – everyone who’s anyone seems to be in a rush – and our Prime Minister, Mrs Theresa May in the first place. Jan Moir, a very distinguished investigative journalist, tailing her electoral campaign, states categorically that “the Prime Minister ... kept to a grueling pace without flagging.” (Theresa, behind the mask, Daily Mail, May 13, 2017, pp. 8/9). 
Perhaps a clue to this forthcoming seismic event is given by the cover page of the London Evening Standard, 4 May 2017, thanking the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen’s Consort for 70 long years, Thank You, Philip across the wonderful photograph of the Duke with the unique life-force and great humour – unfortunately, it reads like an Obituary, the point being definitely implied that the nation will never see him in public again, having resigned all his official duties.  I myself humbly think, free of any sycophancy, that the United Kingdom can never thank Prince Philip enough – he has been the rock (and the huge anchor!) of the Royal family, the most important one in Europe.

Still the un-understood Shakespearean Meanings 

The greatest cultural legacy of Shakespeare is not his great works, but the two building blocks of his creative genius – the endless use of puns (semantic word-plays); and multi-layered metaphors, as little packages of dramatic energy, equivalent to the Chinese Ki (= life-force itself!) The British people, because of Shakespeare, love puns – they are perhaps (even unwittingly) the world’s greatest cultural punsters, and appreciators of Metaphor, the language of symbols which finds its highest level of concentration in the British-invented Freemasonry, full of role-play and amateur dramatics!
The 2-pages Editorial of the Daily Mail, May 6, 2017 uses these Shakespearean skills consummately (and rather disturbingly, though mixed with some comedy) – the 2 pages article is a sycophantic paean to the fiercely heterosexual Philip Duke of Edinburgh (unlike his gay French namesake of the Duke of Orleans), juxtaposed with the first title of the editorial column opposite as “Rest in peace” (RIP), the most common expression (in English) of announcing the death of a person; here, the literal reference goes to a political party, the UKIP, nevertheless the first sentence of the piece is the following clever Shakespearean juxtaposed  ambiguity; “Today the Mail is sad to report the death  [...] of one of the most effective forces ever to shake up British politics.”
The sentence could be uttered as a tribute to the Queen’s consort – it even contains a pun (‘shake up’) on Shakespeare’s name (the first reference to Shakespeare was in 1592 by a Robert Greene, who accused Shakespeare of being so conceited as to think of himself to be “the only Shake-scene in a country” (the rest of Greene’s puns are too obscene to elaborate here further).  
A new Kingdom in the making
Irrespective of Prince Philip’s demise (whether real or unreal), at  last, and at the least, the great puzzle and mystery of the Brexit stupidity can now be cleared-up snow-white – Brexit-Divorce is the first crucial step, for our Queen to finally give way and have Britain groomed like a child-bride for Prince Charles to be crowned as her old-man King – it will be a historical event of massive international significance, as Britain had had no male King for over half a century now. Nothing preceding or succeeding it can have the same revolutionary effect, transforming  Britain’s everything – culture and Economy – proving yet again the errors of Karl Marx’s un-scientific theories; an economic-cultural Revolution needs no Proletariat  as its dynamic motor mechanism (as Marx& Engels insisted).  Slow (Darwinian) evolutionary changes can (and indeed do) augment to create totally new species and economic forms, without the need of blood on the carpet, or guillotine-terror most revolutions conclude with. 
In fact, the greatest historical example of a humungous bloodless revolution (without any Proletarian input) occurred in our own lifetimes – the collapse of the Soviet Union, as the inheritor of the Tsarist Russia ‘owning’ Eurasia – half the world, larger than Britain’s Quarter the Brits like to brag about...
In imperialist terms, it would be inconceivable for a military super-power like the Soviet Union, to have voluntarily given up vast territories like Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, let alone Ukraine and the Baltic States, with vast mineral wealth, proving yet again that the Soviet Union was not into imperialism, and preserved the global peace against continuous aggression from Western imperialism!  
Britain’s new Kingdom-in-the-making could not have arisen with the glory that is Britain as a mere member of a half-dead (European) Union, riddled with corruption – a ‘gravy train’ stuffing the pockets of the MEP’s with Euros – and one of the great conductors of this steamed-up train-engine for many decades is said to have been Lord Neil Kinnock, once a Labour Party leader, who with wife and son, all aboard on the train as MEPs were driving up to the financial paradise destined for the elites.
Peace Beyond Borders, by Vijay Mehta (Catapult, an imprint of the New Internationalist Publications Ltd, 2016) is a well-researched sweet book, full of light, logic and wisdom, with a powerful sense of the positive and the constructive, about the European Union’s achievement of global peace.  But alas, alack, nobody will hear a wise man like Mr Mehta’s voice from the political wilderness, when in fact he has created a paradigmatic schema for achieving global peace anywhere in the world
The wholesome and uplifting spirit of the book transcends systemic corruption, which unfortunately ultimately is the problem that grounds most positive enterprises in the third world to dust. In his sunny optimism, Mehta ignores (to his intellectual peril), any deep analysis of the EU’s stinking gravy-train ... in other words, the evil people of this world would consider Mr. Mehta has wasted his gift of god’s breath on the irredeemable devils of Capitalism – here is the evidential irony – already Mr. Mehta’s ideal, the European Union is on its way to total destruction by the British imperialist Fox, and his ... book is too late to do anything about it!      
Britain has its own strong paradigmatic federal Union with Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland.  Prince Charles’ Kingdom of a brand new Britain shall kow-tow to no power on this planet.
Just like Lord Macartney’s hilarious historical incident, Britain’s first official envoy to China – in 1793, the said Lord refused to kowtow to the Chinese Emperor Qianlong, causing the terrorist Opium Wars (1839-56) – and went down solely on one knee like a pink Flamingo, and only once instead of the diplomatic 3 times, holding the image of his own King George III in his breast, while Qianlong kept name-calling all Europeans “Barbarians”!
      The London Saturday Daily Mail of April the 1st (Fool’s day) was strangely full of foxy clues about the method in Britain’s Shakespearean Brexit madness (Polonius’ words about Hamlet’s disconcerting mad behaviour ...)

  After months of re-assurance that the new Prime Minister Mrs Theresa May was not interested in seeking an electoral mandate, suddenly declared a snap election, evidence that the first assumption was a well-promoted lie, and the whole of Brexit was a well-laid ... Elizabethan-type conspiracy to destroy the European Union, something General de Gaulle of France had predicted 3 decades ago, and for which reason had vetoed twice (1963 & 1967) Britain’s entry into the Common Market. 

Soviet Armenia's massive Contribution to WW2 Victory, recorded here for the first time. 

During the 2nd World War, General de Gaulle had lived in London in close proximity to Winston Churchill’s imperialist madness, lying, bluffing, spluttering, blustering, bluffing, masquerading and drinking his way to a Euro-Peace won by Stalin and the Red Army against the Nazis by Russians and Armenians alone; no Azeris, Chechens, Kazakhs, Tajiks or any other nationality comprising the Soviet Union were there, let alone East Europeans, like the Romanians, Bulgarians, Poles, already crushed under Hitler’s heels;  The Tamanian Tank division under its commander (Tamanian), was the first to reach Berlin, and the Reichstag, an impossible task in view of Hitler's hordes protecting it with all their armed-to-the teeth military might .. the heroic "myth" is told that Tamanian ordered his tanks to reach the target driving through the Berlin Underground! 
The tank-division was funded by the Diaspora        Armenians -- I know, as my father Israel Pilikian in his forties was a prominent fund-raiser, and on the day of my birth in 1942, a calf was born in Iraq in an Arab village, with the letter V 'written miraculously' incredibly on its forehead ... The Iraqi Armenians thereafter did not doubt God's sign of Victory against the Nazis ... 
Roosevelt who disliked Churchill's constant farting and speech-slurs due to drunkenness, had already agreed with Stalin to return the region of Kars and Ardahan (with the Ararat-mountains) to the Soviet Armenians, leaving the final decision to the bloody Winston Churchill of the new Five-pound note,  who put his elephant's foot down and refused categorically to grant any extension of potential political influence to Stalin, when the offer had nothing to do but with the Armenians and their victory over the Nazis.      

Churchill and his imperialist cronies were desperate to steal the Russian-Armenian victory of the 2nd World  War, then, under the influence of the mentally retarded American lunatic, Senator McCarthy, who saw ... Red under ... carpets, and wanted to eliminate the Soviet Union by a nuclear bomb!  Stalin’s acquisition of the Bomb in the nick of time, brought some sanity (albeit temporary) to the British imperialist Fox Churchill, who was nowhere to be seen with his Desert Rats when the Nazis had already occupied the Channel Islands, Britain’s front-and-back-yard – today sitting on Britain’s new Five Pound note right behind the Queen, Churchill could not even defend Britain’s own shores from Hitler’s genocidal rats; see the Special Investigation Hitler’s British Death Island (Daily Mail, May 6, 2017, pp. 32-4), “by one of  Britain’s top soldiers after months of forensic research.  How the Nazis murdered as many as 40,000 in [Britain’s] Channel Island concentration camps – and planned to blitz the South Coast with chemical weapons”, while Churchill smoked his stinking cigars and drank Stalin’s Armenian Cognac, shamelessly reading and plagiarizing the Nazi lame duck Goebbels’ Iron Curtain speech ...
Churchill’s Sandhurst warmongering strategy for a victory? 
Steal one, if you can’t win it!  And preferably from ... Stalin, the Uncle Joe he himself had invented in his homo-erotic fantasies of the Georgian butch revolutionary!

The forthcoming Kingdom of Prince Charles

The huge headline news of the first page of the above mentioned issue of the Daily Mail (Day Prince Charles tried to halt a War – Book quotes US envoy on how Prince rang to ask for Afghan invasion delay) kills several birds with a single stone – very clever British Civil Service Fox-lore thus;
(1) It does a hatchet job of promoting a new image of Prince Charles, as an ordinary human being just like everyone else (which of course he is not), equally vulnerable and suffering, if not financially, at least psychologically, emotionally, having been married to a mentally unstable Princess Diana, which had ensured that Prince Charles received counselling for decades, something many of his own potential subjects (when he shall be King), need but cannot get due to National Health Service (NHS) Conservative government cuts.  But at least Prince Charles is leading the way by taking the social stigma out of mental illness, not that he had it himself (it was his ex-wife who had suffered from it).  Talk of mental illness is now very big in Britain ... it is a growth area – claiming having mental illness is evolving as a new money-breeding industry!
(2) Prince Charles wished to rule a multi-ethnic country, and considered himself a Defender of Faiths (in plural), not only the Christian one.  His refined emotion to try and persuade the American military idiots to cease bombing Afghanistan during Ramadan, the sacred month of the Muslims, would have been greatly appreciated by the considerable numbers of the British-born Muslims.
          The multi-ethnic social structure is the future of mankind, as it has also been its past.  The British-Nazi fantasy of Eugenic pure-bred races has never been a reality in history.  The racist illiterate British nationalist fools may not even know that Britain’s Royal Family has German roots, for which reason they are the great wise promoters of multi-ethnicism.
(3) Lest you think that Prince Charles is a hippy peacenik, or a Peacemonger, that’ll never do – the British also fantasize themselves always as a warrior race, inheritors of their multi-ethnic, Viking, Norman and Roman genocidal barbarism, even though the Brits really have never won a... war – I find it rather endearing the British Army’s braggadocio about historic victories, which always on closer examination deliver... sheer hot air; from the Elizabethan era, the Defeat of Spanish Armada, was entirely fortuitous, helped by Nature and its winds blowing in the wrong direction for the Spanish Fleet!  
The disasters of Gallipoli (in WW1) and Monte Cassino (in WW2)
were the direct result of Winston Churchill’s idiocies – he had this Sandhurst fixation that to win a war, the Commander must spring a surprise on the enemy, used by the great Carthaginian African general of genius Hannibal Barca, who in 225 BC marched through the French Pyrenees with more than 100,000 troops and nearly 40 ... elephants scaring the sh** out of the Roman army.  Fat Churchill drunkard’s trademark version (lacking any good sense let alone genius) was to force his troops from the colonies to climb a hill in full exposure (both in Gallipoli, abusing the Australian/New Zealand Anzacs, and thirty years later in Italy, abusing Polish refugees) for the enemy to simply bombard them to smithereens from the hill-tops! 
Dunkirk (2nd WW) is another mystery of the British army heroics, referred to as a ‘miracle’ ... no wonder, instead of staying put and fighting the advancing German army, the British army decided to withdraw in great fear, trepidation and panic, leaving enormous quantities of military hardware the German enemy re-cycled – in May and June 1940, Hundreds of thousands of British troops were rescued from the vicious clutches of Hitler’s SS-Robocops – the British army even lacked the warships to evacuate the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) stationed in the French seaport of Dunkirk, and rather sweetly and humanely shambolic and trembling in their pants and sandals, the British fearfully grabbed hold of any sea-faring vessel (mostly fishermen’s boats) to reach their motherland ... 
But why delude the British nation about it as a heroic act when it was an act of honeysweet pathetic humane cowardice? 
Then mad Churchill shamelessly attempted to steal as his own the glory of the Soviet Red Army’s crushing victory over the Nazi hyenas... Such a historical theft by a hopeless alcoholic is very unkind to one of the great nations in History – the Russian people (and their junior Armenian brothers) and it should really stop, not further glorified by placing Churchill on the five-pound note behind the Queen.  
§  Furthermore, in both the two World Wars, the British governments (hypocritically belying their own racist white supremacist creed in Eugenics) had no hesitation in abusing their empire-populations as cannon-fodder – millions of Indians, Australian and New Zealand Anzacs, Nepali mountain Gurkhas, Caribbean contingents ... their sacrificial victories all deliberately and viciously wiped out of history-books by the British governments after the wars, reluctantly re-instated by the BBC History only recently – I would still not trust the precision of their numbers, of those masters of false statistics ; 
§  1,440,500 hailed from India, while 136,000 came from South Africa
§  Of those who fought,  629,000 were Canadians
§  413,000 came from Australia and 128,500 from New Zealand
§  More than 134,000 travelled from other colonies, including some 10,000 from the Caribbean
§  Most soldiers of the First World War died – over 700,000 of them.
Prince Charles thus would never stop any wars, especially not an American one conjoined with the Brits, although he is refined and civilized enough to be sensitive to other peoples’ plight in war, showing respect only to their holy rituals.  This concept is reinforced (in the same D. Mail issue, pp. 8-9) by the most ridiculous headline about our new PM ready to go to war over a ... huge Rock – the Gibraltar; Theresa goes to war on Gibraltar, echoing Mrs. Thatcher’s long haul onto the Falkland Islands, which was never seriously invaded by a powerful enemy anyway, and the British army’s adventure was no more than a Thatcherite touristic romp! 
(4) All of the above indicate that Prince Charles’ Coronation as King is well-nigh, perhaps even this year, when our Queen gives way to her first- born.  The Evening Standard mentioned above had already taken the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen’s husband and Consort out of the equation, announcing with gratitude the abdication from all his official royal duties.
(5) The great unspoken problem is the British nation’s view of Prince Charles’ wife, Camilla, mis-understood and shunned for decades now (immediately after Princess Diana’s tragic death).
There is a strong vein of post-marital monogamy – being an exemplary Christian! – running in the present Royal family, exemplified by King Edward VIII, who revolutionized millennia-old Old Testament Polygamous customs in 1936 by abdicating the imperialist British throne, the ultimate symbol of ‘divine’ power, to marry the love of his life, the multiply married American divorcee Wallis Simpson, who does not seem to have merited or reciprocated such a powerful dedication.   New archival evidence has proved that she had been fornicating with four other men simultaneously, one of them Hitler's ambassador von Ribbentrop, much vilified by the Brits for his peace-accord with Molotov – Did Mrs Simpson ever truly love the King who gave up his throne for her? by Michael Thornton, Daily Mail, April 8, 2017, pp.56-8.
Prince Charles seems to have inherited his uncle’s monogamous streak, and must be admired for exactly the same admirable quality of Christian persistence in true love, as his mother, our Queen feels for her Duke (of Edinburgh).  Traditionally, the men may stray, but the women? Never!  The novelty and feminist radicalization of Princess Diana was in this – she was the first female in a royal household in history who allowed herself to fornicate outside her marriage – the greatest historical taboo she destroyed.  There can be no doubt that Prince Charles would want Camilla as his lawful Queen, not a Consort as imposed upon his father – hopefully the British people would have learnt lessons from the past of the King who abdicated rather than see his wife insulted.
(6) All of the above finally resolves the puzzle of Brexit madness – Britain would never ever sacrifice its Royal sovereignty to any Euro-Tom-Dick-and-Harry.  Exit from the EU means one and one thing alone; the approaching evolutionary take-over of the reins of Kingly power by Prince Charles and his Queen Camilla, which will affect yet another revolutionary evolution after decades of the Duke of Edinburgh’s consort-ing.

(7) A landslide electoral victory by the Conservatives will ensure that all dreams of a 2nd referendum for Independence by the Scots will be well-buried for another ... century!  Equally, anyway, there never was any similar threat from the Welsh (seeking independence).
(8) Thus, Prince Charles of Windsor shall be King of his mother’s Elizabethan United Kingdom for the foreseeable future (continued by Prince William’s succession).
(9) Last but not least, and in fact first and foremost, and simultaneous to all this, is the final destruction and banishment of all Socialism from Britain, attempted long ago by Mrs Thatcher thinking of herself as a second rabid Winston Churchill ...  Mrs T failed, but Mrs May (following Mrs T’s paradigm) may yet succeed with extremely clever manipulation and almost a Comedian’s sense of perfect theatrical/political timing!

The un-necessary final Destruction of Britain’s Labour Party for its micro-mini-Socialism
The sudden snap decision of the government to hold national elections reeks of a mysterious event that needs covering-up in a great rush ... while the Duke of Edinburgh is suddenly freed of all his Royal duties, leaving our aged Queen (as always) holding it all together.  She had her annus horribilis with pun and all, back in 1992 – a comic magazine bore even the name 'Horrible Anus’.
A most remarkable piece of manufactured news was on pp. 6-7 of the above mentioned April fool’s day edition of the Daily Mail – titled, Harry’s Secret Wedding in Las Vegas.  What is profoundly significant is not so much the nonsense of the fake news, but a photograph of Harry (Prince William’s younger brother) leading his South African bride to the altar, with the palm of his right hand on her buttocks, very much a gesture of our times, by young and old alike, signifying that homosexual anal-sex is all right, and is the future of human sexuality, operating on several dimensions;
(a) It creates LBGT-tolerant societies, feminizing the violent alpha butch-male,
(b) It is fashionable, the choice of New-York bankers
(c) Although hated by heterosexual women if courageous enough to face their true biology, works as a contraceptive method towards population controle,
(d) Present-day AIDS medication has advanced enough to normalize the life-expectancy of homosexual patients to the average of non-infected heterosexual citizenry – a medical fact heavily promoted nowadays in Britain by the news media, with the magisterial BBC 1 seal of approval shown on 25 May (2017) – encouraging the general public at last to happily indulge in dangerous, unhealthy and unsafe homosexual sexual practices of anal ingestion, like rimming (tonguing the anal rim of the partner).
The New LBGT-Britain can thus never be permitted to be anything but the global leader of High Capitalism, even if it is by now totally corrupted, Mafia-infested, and saved only like the old constipated folks by “Quantitative Easing”s – a foolish term in modern Economics signifying state-printed free Socialist money, printed by a New Labour government, employing a national Bank of England with a ... Canadian Director who really wants to be the Prime Minister of ... Canada, and is camping about in Britain, wasting everybody’s time,  displaying absolutely no conscience in reducing the interest rates on poor men-and-women’s Savings to practically 0 %, robbing the poor masses to generate further billions for tax-avoiding Bank-robbers.

None Dares Call the Bluff of Modern Economics
Modern Economics is based on hot-air industries (Banking, Insurance, Cooking, and ... restaurant-eating), offering the ad hoc rules of Casino-games!
People in Britain are fed up to the back teeth with governments of Liars, by the Liars, for the Liars – what Democracy has come to after 2,500 years of classical Greek invention, and the famous ‘government for the people’ Gettysburg speech on November 19, 1863 by the American President Abraham Lincoln.
If the Labour Party shall lose the Elections, it is not because of its leader, Mr Corbyn lacking Hollywood charisma-junk ... but because the whole of the news media including the pseudo-lefties like The Guardian and the New Statesman are stooges of the Establishment, prettifying the British virgin bride with capitalist  LBGT cock-teasing banking skills.
Mr Corbyn’s stubborn persistence is admirable.   He is not at all the Red Corbyn the Daily Mail capitalists paint him to be, with Churchillean water-colour broken brushes. They used the same tired old McCarthy Red-bug to disgrace Red Ken (Livingstone), Red Ed (Miliband) etc. Whoever they dislike, they call him Red even if he were a blond clown like Boris Johnson.
I have witnessed Mr Corbyn many times in political solidarity meetings in the past – he is mild-mannered, gentle, very English, very cautious, middle of the road public speaker, when other panelists have surpassed him with their hot statements. One thing even the filthiest of the British right-wing Murdoch-media cannot deny is that Mr Corbyn is an entirely honest man, without any duplicityThe neo-Nazi manner with which his team-mates back-stabbed him a thousand times, led by his deputy arch-back-stabber Tom Watson, front-bencher MP, shall remain unforgivable in the annals of Britain’s modern political history.
 Shame, eternal shame on them!
The reason the Labour party shall lose the elections displays a complex causality; when push comes to shove, the Labour party is the worst of the masochists, it shoots at its own crotch, goes girly-anorexic, pulls its own pink pants down, primed to let any capitalist mount it ...
Britain’s Labour party is a vehicle of facile manipulation invented by the British Civil Service/Establishment for its own sordid secretive conspiracies to subvert Socialism whenever necessary, and wherever!
The Labour Party lacks the balls (in spite of an Ed Balls once!) to speak the factual truth all politicians are frightened of, that modern Economics is speculative nonsense, invented to deceive nations and their status in the world – look what happened to America’s obscene economic Boycott of the tiny island of Cuba for four decades, and/or the great NATO economic boycott of Russia.
It was Gordon Brown, the New-Labour pseudo-Socialist who frequently boasted of being the son of a compassionate Socialist priest, saved evil Capitalism from total collapse (one hugely important prediction correctly grasped by Karl Marx and Engels), by giving free Socialist money to the Banks robbed by their own bankers – Brown re-capitalized them in several obscene Quantitative Easings to the tune of 250 billion poundsNew Labour Mr Brown never hunted for the stolen people’s money; he never took the gambling thieving mafia-Bankers to court.
If the Labour party shall lose, it shall not be because of the compassionate and truly honest Mr. Corbyn, NO, but because, in the name of prudent-running of the country’s economy,
(1)  it won’t call the bluff of the great and grand lies of Capitalism, using the banks and the insurance companies as mafia-controlled casino-games
(2)  it will not apologize for its own horrendous genocidal policy-mistakes perpetrated for the glory of the capitalist system, the latest worse evil of which was the scientifically erroneous promotion of the Diesel-engine by New Labour, merely to generate ‘new business’ and products in the car-industry, while polluting the air we breathe worse than ever, “drivers who switched to lethally noxious diesel, assured by Labour that it was cleaner, were monstrously misled and betrayed...  while the health risks will endure for years” (Daily Mail, May 6, 2017, p.18, Editorial Comment). 
Precisely for the same reason of creating new exploitative over-priced filthy business products, the New Labour legalized 24-hours alcohol consumption, and worse, unrestrained gambling, one of the most inhuman addictions that destroys individual lives and whole families.
Until these dirty capitalist games by New Labour, there was a wholesome air of public advertising clean of gambling and alcoholism ... New Labour polluted it hopelessly, for which she must, again, apologize to the British people, and promise that in power, she would put these Gordon Brown capitalist-perversions and hypocrisies right.
I do not expect it from the great backstabber, Tom Watson, but the true socialists, Leader Jeremy Corbyn and his deputy John McDonnell should have apologized to the electorate unreservedly for the Diesel filth, gambling porno, and unrestrained alcoholism ... it shall be a primary reason of their landslide defeat.

The Grand Deception at the Core of British Mafia-Capitalism
There is a horrifying ugly great lie full of infectious puss festering at the heart of British Capitalism (Nay, let’s say at the ‘core’, as capitalism is heartless) – its Socialist Welfare system, invented by the alpha male foxes of British imperialism as the steam engine that keeps Capitalism moving for good!  It is deliberately disgraced and denigrated as a foxy way of controlling it by Thatcherite disciples (the likes of IDS= George Iain Duncan Smith, sometime Conservative Party leader) who abuse and rape it at will by showcasing scum-of-the-earth television casts, drunk, drugged, illiterate, inarticulate, violent folks uttering inanities like “got free-money”, biting the hands that feed them ...
And what is the truth of the matter that the Labour Party must absolutely call the bluff of?  
The Welfare State, already from its inception was constituted on the basis of sustaining unemployed workers with starvation-wages, to undercut the remotest possibility of recipients getting warmly comfortable and giving up their hard life and degradation of begging capitalists for slave-work ... payments could never be misused for drunkenness and whoring.  The dregs of society showcased on Television nowadays are deliberately selected to create the opposite impression.  
How have the State-benefits become the necessary motor-mechanism, the steam engine of modern Capitalism, keeping the capitalist economy ticking and moving constantly, making the rich richer and the poor poorer?
Any Business needs cash-flow.  As the rich do not pay taxes and stash their money in tax-havens, the only cash-flow source for businesses to run remains the poor people’s total expenditure of their starvation wages merely to survive, in addition to the Black economy of drug-taking and prostitution, where the Mafia receives its intense significance as embedded within the blood-gorging stinking core of capitalism  (First Page headlines – “...farcical EU rules add prostitution and drug-dealing to official economic figures”, Daily Mail, April 6, 2017).  Capitalism needs money-circulation to survive.  And that is provided by the poor man’s wages, including the welfare payments for the starving.
The Labour party must call this bluff – because she will never, it shall lose the elections for ever.  
More Marxist Errors
The money-supply of a country belongs to the State of that country, (hence to all its citizenry in a true Democracy) of whatever hue.  It was the case of the first coins minted by the Kings of Lydia and neighbouring Phrygia (in ancient Anatolia, which according to Herodotus were an Armenian tribe and spoke an Armenian dialect – Herodotus went so far as to coin a verb, ‘to phryg-ianize’ meaning ‘to speak Armenian’).
The invention by the ‘gang of Armenian Kings’ (which included the famous golden-coined Croesus) created the very concept of Trade and travelling-for-trade, which accumulated ‘Kapital’ and created the capitalist class, something Karl Marx (and Engels) never understood.  The modern capitalist class are not the old refined Bourgeois (as Marx thought), but the often illiterate scum of the earth; the old bourgeoisie read books, and collected private libraries, modern Russian and Chinese oligarchs do not read books, and buy laughable art-works (dead cows in tanks, and unmade unwashed dirty beds of women!) only for investment.  Social class is not rigidly fixed as in Marxism, which could not perceive social mobility although Charles Dickens as a fiction-writer could!  
Marx and Engels were too sold on their limited obsessive notion of heavy industrial Proletariat (of the Mines, the Railways, and the factories) to grasp the historical fact that Capitalism began with coins-and-trade – exactly the case of Russia’s mafia-capitalism after the collapse of the Soviet Union, started by the Gazprom KGB chinovniks.     
It is now time for British Socialism to save itself – the Labour Party can announce officially formally, that if it wins the forthcoming elections, it will provide the State with 250 billion pounds of quantitative easing (precisely as Gordon Brown did for the banks in 2012), to secure the NHS completely, re-instate Free University Education, re-nationalize public transport, and have plenty more left for decades to come, to macro-manage prudently (Gordon’s favourite terms, wearing capitalist pants and necktie).
The Labour government thus will not need to borrow any more money on the dirty financial markets, without any phoney need to balance books – a term so loved by the tax-avoiding book-keepers of capitalism!

Britain can become heaven on earth, for all its people, and not only the elite few!!

Which of course will never happen – the Establishment imperialist Churchillean old farts will never permit it – the Labour party will never apologize for its mistakes, nor print money for the people.
Heaven is too boring for the masses. Generally speaking, for a mysterious reason, they prefer capitalist Hell to Socialist Heaven.  Populations are so abused, misused, bled and enslaved by capitalism that they end up demanding it... which is the source of power acquired by the perverts of the capitalist system.
The destruction of the Labour party was a long held passion (and conspiracy) by Mrs Thatcher and her gang.   Blair-and-Mandelson invented what they called New-Labour, had a very clever-dicky way of defeating the menopausal Mrs T, by absorbing her policies, they never tired of expressing their admiration for her obnoxious union-bashing inhumanity, the paradigm of today’s Zero-contract obscenities.
Mrs May, who had the admirable conscience of daring to call Mrs T’s party by her true name – the “nasty party” – is using the same Blair/Mandelson stratagem, by now absorbing the best of Labour features, by appealing to the workers, and pretending that the Conservatives are no different really from the long forgotten superstar Vanessa Redgrave’s the Socialist Workers’ Party ... Mrs May wants a Britain for everybody, offering it post-elections on a silver plate as her gift to Prince Charles’ new Kingdom, with an LBGT ‘annus mirabilis’ -- the medieval contrast to the horrible anus was a miraculous one!

The End

A Concert-Review
Editorial Note by Phaedra Behrent  (Researcher, Editor, Poet.)

Mrs Rosine Tanashian, is a prominent Armenian beautician, in private practice in New York, and here is what she had to say about Professor Pilikian's Review of Mr Filipczak's London concert...(personal communication);

Dearest Professor Pilikian, 
As we all know and agree with, the more an individual is Knowledgeable, the more he/she gets pleasure in-and-out of Life.  
Even your description of the Concert, dear Professor, brought tears to my own eyes ... 
And for that, I feel blessed and fortunate, for having a close friend of your caliber, who ENRICHES my SOUL ... even from such an unbridgeable geographical distance !!
Yours Gratefully

"To put it ‘scientifically’ ... How does the ‘holy’ Spirit of human creativity work?
"Some New Age people think we are all connected ... an impractical proposition impossible to prove ..." writes Professor Pilikian.
And yet here is a case in point – a young Polish Virtuoso Pianist, Philipczak plays Chopin in London with feather-light fingers-touch precisely as Chopin intended ... drowning in tears a serious musicological critic Professor H. I. Pilikian, and the feeling is carried on waves of the human emotional ocean over the Atlantic, right into the heart and Soul of a New York Aesthetic- Beautician Mrs. Rosine Tanashian, drowning her in tears too; a ‘Darwinian’ fact, not a hippy fantasy ...
" And yet scientifically inexplicable, therefore miraculous;  an act of God’s creative Holy Spirit of which man as his image, partakes?
Such abstract theological ideas, made incarnate through flesh-and-blood fingers, heart, hormones, energy, human radio-waves, soul, mind, 'holy' creative spirit ... all is possible, as in Tennis playing -- if you can Love All ... ", states the Professor.

A Brilliant Pole-Star
Łukasz Filipczak

Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian

In a corner of a ... corner of the Borough Underground Station, on the Northern line in South London, which became overnight famous because of a very recent terrorist attack, you shall find a gem – a Polish pearl – of a mini art-centre.
It is the brain-child of Olga Sienko, a most extraordinary lady, a consummate artist herself with panache for the new and the shocking, and the intensely erotic, with full support and unconditional love from a business-man husband Peter, who is a prominent... Vintner ... in New Zealand! 
It is deeply moving to witness their love – for Peter, Olga can do no wrong, and he kindly serves bottles and bottles of his fruity wines to welcome Olga’s well-attended artistic functions.  Over two long decades now, Olga has been revitalizing the London art-scene with her own original and innovative Exhibitions.
Recently, she had the incredible idea of using Peter’s venue as a mini classical concert-hall.  It could have been a disaster, were it not for the extraordinary virtuosic talent of her Pianist-in-residence, given a cute semi-grand small Steiner.  

Lukasz Filipczak at the Gallery Sienko Art Centre
And what a divine gift ... Łukasz proved its worthin 24 carat gold, by playing an evening of Bach and ... Chopin, exclusively (7th July, 2017, 7.30 pm).  And what a magnificent Duo –
Łukasz obviously loves Bach, as Chopin did, and I myself worship Bach as the Jehovah of all music.   

Piano and string instruments are strange mysterious creatures ... whatever the player feels, emotionally, runs through the arms and pours out directly onto the strings (the hammers in the case of the piano) which instantly express it. No music expert (be it historian or critic) has been able to explain this incredible mystery, unique to the world of music – what a performer feels is transmitted to the audience directly, for which reason, some performers (especially from the world of Piano) go berserk doing what I call ‘monkey business’ with their faces (for maximum effect). 
When the Pianist is handsome, like Mr Łukasz, tall, with a Samurai pony-tail, it can always be pleasant to watch the performer’s visage during a concert.  But when he is blessed with an ‘ugly’ severe face like ... Arthur Rubinstein, one was lucky Rubinstein rarely moved a muscle on his face, while the different emotions still poured out through his fingers!  He is the kind of pianist I appreciate and endorse, and Łukasz (like Rubinstein) had a well-restrained and controlled face, without any monkey-business playing havoc with his piano playing.
Foremost, and even more importantly, Łukasz played by heart, from his heart, and not by a scoreIt is how all music must be played.  I am sympathetic to human frailty, and weaker memories, but I would encourage especially the young to internalize the musical piece they have chosen to play so profoundly, that when they play it, it must feel like they are the ... composers creating it for the first time there and then for the audience. 
And if Łukasz can do it ... they must all do it, if they wish to acquire the mastery of the musical piece they play.  In other words, Music is where Memory plays a vital part in the creative process.   And if a virtuosic instrumentalist is blessed with it, he should never ever get lazy to use it to internalize his chosen repertoire.       
Bach composed a series of Preludes and Fugues as exercises (even for children!)  Without any monkey-business, when Filipczak played the E flat minor Prelude and the Fugue in D sharp minor, with a delicate subtlety that belied his physical bulk, he converted his mini-gallery concert into a massive Royal Festival Hall event... with five Chopin pieces to follow.
Chopin’s Etude in A flat major Op. 25 No 1 seemed to be flowing out of an... Aeolian harp ... Chopin’s music being produced by the close proximity of the two hands on the keyboard, Filipczak’s music flowed like a mountain river pure and wholesome.
Chopin invented the musical form of the Mazurka from Polish folk-music, and Filipczak played four of them (Opus 24) in sequence – unsurprisingly, they were truly variations of the same theme – it is not possible for a creative artist to be always original and endlessly inventive, even for someone like ... Chopin, although his Ballade in G minor op.23 was the fruit of yet another new musical form, intensely beautiful, and Romantic, and quietly passionate.
Ultimately, what overwhelmed me, was Filipczak’s performance of the last piece of his highly intelligent program; Chopin’s Polonaise in E flat minor, op 26 No 2 - Filipczak generated such a powerful emotion of longing for one’s motherland, I palpably felt the whole Polish nation’s passion for freedom, and as an Armenian sharing almost the same national fate, Filipczak’s piano made me cry and cry in a flood of tears ... from a distance I noticed Mrs Olga Sienko’s eyes who had recently visited the Armenian Republic, and was familiar a bit with our history. 
Olga was so concerned by my emotional reaction, that just before I left, she whispered to me discreetly that if I wished to settle in Yerevan, she could pull some strings!  

I just could not tell my honey-sweet friend Olga that my country today is ruled by a mafia gang I cannot endorse – hence more tragic for me to hear Chopin’s Polonaise!
Even more extraordinary is the musical consciousness that Filipczak aroused in me to recognize the influence of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and its famous knock of the Fates... I have absolutely no hesitation to insist that Chopin was consciously inspired by Beethoven’s Fifth to compose his specific Polonaise in E flat minor.  And Chopin’s genius?; is manifest when after a volcanic eruption of nostalgia in complex harmonies, he ends his Polonaise on a single quiet note of meditative sadness. 
The Pianist Filipczak with the Professor Pilikian pictured here after the concert.

And this great discovery of mine, I owe it entirely  to Filipczak’s performance.  I hope that when he plays his Chopin’s nostalgic Polonaise next, and consciously constructs it on the dimension of Beethoven’s Fifth, he will enrich the souls of his audience.

The End

This review can also be found on the following prominent websites;

Norkhosq from Germany

Rag Mamoul

Assembly of Armenians of Europe




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